When a BOD is completed, the teller is working on a new business day. The teller will open a branch batch for this new business day.
So batch here in FCR is a little different from the concept that we got in the computer field. Here batch refers to the set of transactions that are to be performed in the system in a single business day for the concurrent posting date.
A supervisor will opening a branch batch.
The normal teller will open her/his own teller batch and do normal bank business.
Template for the user are usually:
Vault Teller: The vault teller is the main cashier of a branch. All the tellers buy additional cash or TCs from the vault teller and sell their excess cash or TCs to this Teller.
Normal Teller
So there are three types of batch:
Branch batch
Vault batch: For any given posting date only one vault batch can be opened. To open another vault batch, the first on should be closed. The system will default the cash balances on opening a vault batch.
Teller batch
Before a bank can start its operations on a new business day for a given posting date using FCR, all these batches have to be opened. The teller batch has to be opened so that the teller can start performing his set of transactions for the day. A vault batch has to be opened so that the vault transactions can be performed by the vault teller. And a branch batch has to be opened so the branch on the whole can perform the required transactions for the day.
A teller batch once closed for the posting date can not be opened again for the same posting date. A branch batch can remain open for a maximum of two consecutive posting dates.
When the day’s business is over, we need to close the teller batch, vault batch and the branch batch, then execute the EOD for that date.
While closing a vault batch, system tallies cash in hand of teller, cash taken before vault was opened and if any incomplete transaction is present.
There is a concept named batch number: The number generated by the system, when a user opened a batch the very first time in a business day. This was a number between 1 and 99 and was generated branch-wise. Therefore, different tellers in different branches could have the same batch number. Sounds like the number of users in a branch could be a maximum of only 99. It’s really strange that the limitation on user number. But it’s contradictory that there is another statement in the flexionary that said: Therefore, for every source/channel, there would be a different range of batch numbers. For example, if the source was a bank branch, the batch number would be a number between 1 and 99; if the source was an ATM, the batch number could be a number between 100 and 500, and so on.
Batch number for user generated transaction and system generated transactions. Batch number generated for system-generated transactions is generated in the host database. The batch number is generated within a specified range which is separate for every program. This helps in identifying the program directly by looking at the batch number of a system generated transaction. User-generated transactions’ batch numbers are generated in the branch database and per branch. The generation starts from 1 and can go up to 99 per user per day. Every user is assigned a unique batch number for the day when he/she performs a 9001 batch open transaction. Batch number is for internal system use. Generation of a batch number is mandatory for a user who is required to perform financial transactions. Batch numbers are not generated for supervisors because they are required to perform only inquiry transactions and not financial transactions.
Batch restart logic—A program or code or logic that helps a batch process to restart after it has aborted due to some reason. Sounds a very complex thing in banking.
Branch batch split days
refers to a branch batch being open and operational for two consecutive posting dates, the current posting date and the next posting date.
Normally, a branch batch is open and operational for one posting date, which is usually the current date. However, in certain situations, the bank may want to keep the branch batch open and working for two consecutive posting dates. One such situation may be when the bank anticipates very heavy workload for the next business day and therefore, feels the need to start work for the next business day from the current business day itself. In such scenario, the branch batch has to be opened for the current posting date as well as the next posting date, so work can be completed on time. When this happens, the branch batch is said to be operating in split days.
While closing a branch batch with split days, one must remember that the batch with the earlier posting date should be closed first and the batch with the next posting date should be closed second.
Batch streaming and streaming: is the term used in batch processing to divide shell task into chunk to utilize available hardware. Each stream should be isolated to its peer.
Batch processing consists of following categories of processes:
1. End-of-Day (EOD)
2. Beginning-of-Day (BOD)
3. Cut-off
4. Process CIF Handoff
5. Scheduled Extracts
6. Monthly Extracts
7. Handoff after EOD
8. Elig Evaluation
9. File Handoff
10. Automatic EFS
11. Mark for write off
12. Automatic write off
14. CBR