
Cut-off to settlement data flow

FCR supports transactions from different channels. Some of the channels supported are :
   Tele Banking
   Internet Banking

Each transaction channel has an association log table. The processing functions of each channel will log the details of the transaction into the individual log tables. Data from these log tables is then taken to their corresponding cutoff tables and from there it to the settlement table.

Here is the list of channels and their corresponding log cutoff table.
Sr.no  Channel Log Table  Cutoff table STL table
1.  Branch xf_ol_st_txnlog_current xf_ol_st_txnlog_cutoff xf_ol_st_brop_stl
2.  ATM  xf_ol_st_cotxn xf_ol_st_cotxn_cutoff xf_ol_st_cotxn_stl
3.  POS xf_ol_st_postxn xf_ol_st_postxn_cutoff xf_ol_st_postxn_stl
4. TeleBanking xf_ol_st_tbstxn xf_ol_st_tbstxn_cutoff xf_ol_st_tbstxn_stl
5. InternetBanking xf_ol_st_ibtxnlog xf_ol_st_ibtxnlog_cutoff xf_ol_st_ibtxn_stl

All transactions are logged in above tables throughout the day.

It is the point when system is handed over for end of day processing. Transaction coming until this tile are considered for that particular end of day processing. Transaction coming after cutoff are considered for next day's end of day processing.

Data movement in cutoff:
1. Data from log tables is then taken to their corresponding cutoff tables.
2. From cutoff tables data is then moved to their corresponding settlement tables
3. records from settlement tables are then combined in one settlemtn table (xf_ol_st_txnlog_stl)
4. Data from xf_ol_st_txnlog_stl is then used for EOD processing.


coalesce and nvl function in oracle

the coalesce function returns the first non-null expression in the list. If all the expressions evaluate to null, then the coalesce function will return null.

coalesce(expr1, expr2,...expr_n).

In most cases, nvl is enough for the requirement when there are only two expressions. If there are more than two expressions, I think we can adopt the coalesce function to achieve the same effect.

COALESCE function is a SQL-92 standard and more modern, while nvl is oracle specific. In case of two values, they are synonyms.

However, they are implemented differently. NVL always evaluates both arguments, while coalesce stops evaluation whenever it finds first non-NULL.

TWO Examples:

<code><span class="kwd">SELECT</span><span class="pln">  SUM</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">val</span><span class="pun">)</span><span class="pln">
</span><span class="kwd">FROM</span><span class="pln">    </span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln"></span><span class="kwd">SELECT</span><span class="pln">  NVL</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="lit">1</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln"> LENGTH</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">RAWTOHEX</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">SYS_GUID</span><span class="pun">())))</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="kwd">AS</span><span class="pln"> val
        </span><span class="kwd">FROM</span><span class="pln">    dual
        CONNECT </span><span class="kwd">BY </span><span class="pln">level </span><span class="pun"><=</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="lit">10000</span><span class="pln">
        </span><span class="pun">);
costs more time than

</span></code><code><span class="kwd">SELECT</span><span class="pln">  SUM</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">val</span><span class="pun">)</span><span class="pln">
</span><span class="kwd">FROM</span><span class="pln">    </span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln"></span><span class="kwd">SELECT</span><span class="pln">  </span><span class="kwd">COALESCE</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="lit">1</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln"> LENGTH</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">RAWTOHEX</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">SYS_GUID</span><span class="pun">())))</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="kwd">AS</span><span class="pln"> val
        </span><span class="kwd">FROM</span><span class="pln">    dual
        CONNECT </span><span class="kwd">BY </span><span class="pln">level </span><span class="pun"><=</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="lit">10000</span><span class="pln">
        </span><span class="pun">);
which returns instantly.

The performance data is not correct, but the NVL() is supposed to cost more time.

the connect by keyword is of one oracle row generator techniques.

The concept is known as a row generator.
</span><span class="pln"></span></code>


PL/SQL logging

Once I was in the EBS financial team, created several PL/SQL packages. At that time, we use the FND_LOG.STRING() and FND_FILE.PUT_LINE() functions to logging the temporary results of the procedure/function to debug programs. At that time, I thought those two procedures are Oracle DB's facilities, but it turns out only EBS financial database has such procedures.

In common PL/SQL programs, we have to use the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE() function to record the parameters and temporary results of the program.

Further details will be explored in the future.

When logging, you would like to record the procedure/function's name and the line of the source in the message. Two predefined variables are very useful.

$$plsql_line and $$plsql_unit

For $$plsql_line, it's easy. it just show the source code's line.

If your logic is in a simple function/procedure, then $$plsql_unit will display the name of the procedure/function. But when you package your function/procedure in a package, the $$plsql_unit will display the name of the package. So it's not as useful as expected.
Sometimes,  I have to use a variable in the function to store the function's name.


VPD in Oracle

VPD is a very useful feature in Oracle 10g?
SQL Code to set and get the VPD is as below:


A more comprehensive description of VPD will be recorded later.


Batch in FCR

When a BOD is completed, the teller is working on a new business day. The teller will open a branch batch for this new business day.

So batch here in FCR is a little different from the concept that we got in the computer field.  Here batch refers to the set of transactions that are to be performed in the system in a single business day for the concurrent posting date.

A supervisor will opening a branch batch.

The normal teller will open her/his own teller batch and do normal bank business.

Template for the user are usually:


    Vault Teller: The vault teller is the main cashier of a branch. All the tellers buy additional cash or TCs from the vault teller and sell their excess cash or TCs to this Teller.

    Normal Teller

So there are three types of batch:

    Branch batch

    Vault batch: For any given posting date only one vault batch can be opened. To open another vault batch, the first on should be closed.  The system will default the cash balances on opening a vault batch.

    Teller batch

Before a bank can start its operations on a new business day for a given posting date using FCR, all these batches have to be opened. The teller batch has to be opened so that the teller can start performing his set of transactions for the day. A vault batch has to be opened so that the vault transactions can be performed by the vault teller. And a branch batch has to be opened so the branch on the whole can perform the required transactions for the day. 

A teller batch once closed for the posting date can not be opened again for the same posting date. A branch batch can remain open for a maximum of two consecutive posting dates.

When the day’s business is over, we need to close the teller batch, vault batch and the branch batch, then execute the EOD for that date.

While closing a vault batch, system tallies cash in hand of teller, cash taken before vault was opened and if any incomplete transaction is present.

There is a concept named batch number: The number generated by the system, when a user opened a batch the very first time in a business day. This was a number between 1 and 99 and was generated branch-wise. Therefore, different tellers in different branches could have the same batch number. Sounds like the number of users in a branch could be a maximum of only 99. It’s really strange that the limitation on user number.  But it’s contradictory that there is another statement in the flexionary that said:  Therefore, for every source/channel, there would be a different range of batch numbers. For example, if the source was a bank branch, the batch number would be a number between 1 and 99; if the source was an ATM, the batch number could be a number between 100 and 500, and so on.

Batch number for user generated transaction and system generated transactions. Batch number generated for system-generated transactions is generated in the host database. The batch number is generated within a specified range which is separate for every program.  This helps in identifying the program directly by looking at the batch number of a system generated transaction.  User-generated transactions’ batch numbers are generated in the branch database and per branch. The generation starts from 1 and can go up to 99 per user per day.  Every user is assigned a unique batch number for the day when he/she performs a 9001 batch open transaction. Batch number is for internal system use. Generation of a batch number is mandatory for a user who is required to perform financial transactions. Batch numbers are not generated for supervisors because they are required to perform only inquiry transactions and not financial transactions.

Batch restart logic—A program or code or logic that helps a batch process to restart after it has aborted due to some reason.  Sounds a very complex thing in banking.

Branch batch split days

     refers to a branch batch being open and operational for two consecutive posting dates, the current posting date and the next posting date.

      Normally, a branch batch is open and operational for one posting date, which is usually the current date. However, in certain situations, the bank may want to keep the branch batch open and working for two consecutive posting dates. One such situation may be when the bank anticipates very heavy workload for the next business day and therefore, feels the need to start work for the next business day from the current business day itself. In such scenario, the branch batch has to be opened for the current posting date as well as the next posting date, so work can be completed on time. When this happens, the branch batch is said to be operating in split days.

     While closing a branch batch with split days, one must remember that the batch with the earlier posting date should be closed first and the batch with the next posting date should be closed second. 

Batch streaming and streaming: is the term used in batch processing to divide shell task into chunk to utilize available hardware. Each stream should be isolated to its peer.

Batch processing consists of following categories of processes:

     1. End-of-Day (EOD)

      2. Beginning-of-Day (BOD)

      3. Cut-off

      4. Process CIF Handoff

      5. Scheduled Extracts

      6. Monthly Extracts

      7. Handoff after EOD

      8. Elig Evaluation

      9. File Handoff

      10. Automatic EFS

      11. Mark for write off

      12. Automatic write off

      13. ADHOC PURGE

      14. CBR


Moratorium in FCR

Moratorium is the term used to refer to the stage or period in a loan repayment schedule in which no repayment is made or interest paid; however, interest is accrued during the period.  At the end of the period the accrued interest is capitalized and the regular period schedule is drawn up by the FCR.

A moratorium is typically introduced in the beginning of the loan term. However, for ‘EPI – Beginning of Period Type of Loans’, Moratorium is not allowed as a stage at the beginning or in between the loan term. The schedule is always validated for the disbursed amount as well as sanctioned amount.

Moratorium is one of the installment rules. There is no penalty charged during the moratorium period because no arrears are raised. The original rate of interest can be found out from the database where it is stored.

Moratorium was originally introduced in student loans because students could not repay the loan during the time they were studying and it would not be right to expect them to. Therefore, moratorium was a good solution. However, gradually this concept began to be applied to other categories of loans too to suit various situations.

During Moratorium, the borrower still owes the loan amount. Therefore, FCR needs to deal with the situation such that the amount is recovered in some way without causing inconvenience to either the bank or the borrower.  FCR deals with it in either of the following two ways:

   1. The interest continues to be accrued until the end of moratorium and once moratorium is over, it is capitalized.

   2. The interest is not accrued at all during moratorium and starts accruing only after moratorium ends. In this case, the interest rate for the moratorium period is set 0. However, because of this, the system is unable to report on how much interest income has been waived.

Similar concepts:

Deferment, postponement and interest freeze are concepts that are closely related to moratorium but not synonymous.


In earlier version of FCR, deferment was a concept exactly similar to moratorium and there was no such thing as moratorium. Therefore, in some FCR installations, there maybe still the term deferment that means the same as moratorium.

Postponement refers to the postponement of repayment of a loans installment. This may be because of personal problems such as lay-off from employment or hospitalization and so on. In such a case, the borrower wants to postpone the repayment. FCR takes care of this situation by levying a fee and asking the borrower to pay both the installments together on the next due date.

Interest freeze on the other hand, comes into the picture with regards to bad loans or defaulters. In case of bad loans, the bank’s collections department decides to sell off the collateral to recover whatever they can. In such a situation, the bank imposes an interest freeze on the account. This is to stop the reporting of interest income at this income will never be recovered in any case( this can also be achieved through a moratorium or postponement but moratorium/postponement is applicable to loans that have not been declared as bad).


Chart of Accounts definition

GL Code
External Code
the external code with which your bank can identify the GL earlier in a manual system or legacy system. It can also be used by the tellers to select the GL.

If the GL code is a leaf GL account.  In the reporting relationship, if a GL reports to another GL, but no GL reports to it, then it is a leaf GL. A leaf GL is at the bottom of the hierarchy. Hence a leaf GL will report to either a Node or Head Node GL.
A node GL is one that reports to another GL and has other GLs reporting to it.  A head GL is a node that does not report to another GL.

GL Details
 GL type
only available for leaf GL account. GL type is to indicate the type of accounting to be posted into the GL. Value options include:
    Misc. Debit -- A debit entry in this GL is to be offset with multiple credit entries. Misc. Debit entries should be associated with an instrument number. The instrument number( sounds like reference document number and suspended bill number) will ensure proper reconciliation of the credit entries is made to the GL).
   Misc. Credit -- A credit entry in this GL is to be offset with multiple debit entries. Misc. Credit entries should be associated with an instrument number. ....
   Nostro -- This kind of GL will cater only to entries related to your bank's account with another bank.
   Cash -- Only cash transactions, like in the Date entry module, are posted directly into a GL by linking the GL with the Till ID.
   Inter-branch -- Only inter-branch related accounting entries can be posted to the GL.
   Normal --  Debit/Credit entries that do not fall into any of the other types can be assigned to the normal type GL. By default, the leaf GL will be of normal GL type.

GL Category
GL category is to specify the GL head. Two head GLs can have the same category. All GLs that fall under a head GL will belong to the category defined for the head.  Value options include:
    Asset/Liability/Expense/Income/Contingent Asset/Contingent Liability/Memo/Position/Position Equivalent.

if the GL should be revalued.  Only Asset, Liability, Contingent Asset, and Contingent Liability GLs can be revalued.  A little wired that this filed is enabled only if the Contingent Asset, Contingent Liability or Memo option is selected as the GL category.

if to consolidate multiple entries and post it as a single entry to a leaf GL. Don't know how and when to consolidate and consolidate what kind of entries????

temporarily mark the status of the GL as blocked. During this period, no entries can be passed into the GL. This is only for Leaf GL.

Position Accounting Details
Positioning required
if want to retrieve the position of a foreign currency. When opt for position accounting, you maintain a position GL and a position equivalent GL for every foreign currency maintained in your bank.  The position GL reflects the current position in the currency.

Currency Restrictions
Single Currency
if the GL is only for a single currency. Only for Leaf GL.
All Foreign currencies
if to attach the GL to all foreign currencies.  Only for Leaf GL.
All Currencies
if the GL is attached to all currencies. Only for Leaf GL.

Branch Restrictions
Head Office GL
 if the GL has to be attached to the head office only. Only for Leaf GL. Only for Leaf GL.
Branch Office GL
 if the GL has to be attached to the branch office only. Only for Leaf GL.
 Attach the GL to both head office and branch office. Only for Leaf GL.

Posting Restrictions
  Direct Posting
 To allow direct posting into the GL. Only for Leaf GL.
  Indirect Posting
 Only allow accounting entries to be passed into the GL from the various modules of FCR. Only for Leaf GL.

GL Linkages
  Parent GL
setup the parent GL to which the GL is attached. It indicates the current GL to which is should report. This GL in effect becomes the parent of the current GL.
Year end Profit and Loss Accounts
   Profit Account
The profit account code. The profit account is the account into which all income GL account balances are posted at the end of the year. On the last day of the financial cycle, all balances from the account are posted into the year-end profit account. For income and expense type of GL, year end transfer GL can be specified.
   Loss Account
The loss account code. The loss account is the account into which all expense GL account balances are posted at the end of the year. On the last day of the financial cycle, all balances from the loss accounts are posted into the year-end loss account. You can specify the same GL for posting both your profits and losses.  For income and expense type of GL, year end transfer GL can be specified.

Reporting Lines
Central Bank Lines:
Debit Line: the central bank debit line to which the GL should report.
Credit Line: the central bank credit line to which the GL should report.
Head office Lines:
Debit Line: the head office debit line to which the GL should report.
Credit Line: the head office credit line to which the GL should report.

Hierarchy Details
Position GL
Ccy: the currency of the GL
Position GL: the corresponding position GL.
Position Equivalent: the position equivalent GL.


Loan Product Interest Attribute

Set up the interest's attributes for a specific loan product.

For a loan product's interest, there are interest rule and interest treatment defined.

Whether the interest is cash basis or Accrual basis.

Various GL codes to records the interest earned, waived.
  1. Interest Income: GL code with income type for recording income earned from loan accounts under this product.
  2. Suspended Interest: GL code with liability type for recording income earned from suspended accounts.
  3. Interest Accrued: GL code with asset type for recording interest accrued on loan accounts. This GL account is debited and the interest income GL account is credited at the time of interest account on a Loan account with Normal Accrual status.
  4. Suspended Interest Accrued: GL code with asset type for recording interest accrued on suspended loan accounts.
  5. Interest Receivable: GL code with type asset for recording interest receivable amount on loan accounts.
  6. Suspended Interest Receivable: GL code with asset type for recording interest receivable amount on suspended accounts.
  7. Unearned Interest:
  8. Suspended Recovery: GL code with income type for recording suspended interest recovered from suspended accounts.
  9. Interest Waiver: The waived interest account is debited into this GL account.
  10. Interest Expense: GL code to record expense when crediting interest. This filed is available only if credit interest rule is selected and product type is revolving.  


Loan Product Master Detail

Product Code
the product code to identifying the loans product. Product code is a manually generated unique identifier of the loan product.

A descriptive name for the product.

Product Currency
The type of currency to be used for the loans product. By default, the system displays the currency assigned to the product as the currency of the account opened under the product.

Product Category
the category of the product. Asset or Liability

Product Classification
the data for product classification. This field is used for grouping of products for reporting purposes.

Advertising Message
The advertising message to be used for the purpose of product promotion.

Product Expiry Date
Expiry date of the product. The user can not open new accounts under the product after the expiry date. But accounts existing under the product will continue to function normally.

Loan Type
Loan type of the product.  Three value options:
    Term Loan -- A loan from a bank for a specific amount that has a specified repayment schedule and a floating interest rate. Term loans almost always mature between one and 10 years.
     Revolving Loan (循环的,周转的) -- Revolving Loan is defined as the term signifies revolving in nature. In this context, the entity which is revolving is the Sanctioned Amount. The sanctioned amount for the account is available for utilization.  The introduction of revolving loans has emerged from the fact that the customer will have any given time a sanctioned amount which can be utilized for his/her heeds through any mode or channel available.
    Revolving Loan Fund's definition from wiki: RLF is a source of money from which loans are made for small business development projects. A loan is made to one person or business at a time and, as repayments are made, funds become available for new loans to other businesses. Hence, the money revolves from one person or business to another.
     Islamic Loan -- Type of loan in which customer doesn't have to pay interest but share the profit earned, with the bank.

Rate Revision Allowed
if revision of interest rate is to be allowed durign the life term of the product.

Interest Accrual Frequency
The frequency at which the interest will be accrued. The accrual entries are passed based on the accrual frequency set up at the product level.

  Minimum/Maximum Loan Amount
The minimum/Maximum loan amount that can be granted for an account opened under this product.
  Minimum/Maximum Terms in Months
The minimum/Maximum loan term in months that is permitted for all accounts under the given loan product. This period does not include the IOI stage.
  Minimum/Maximum Interest Variance
The minimum/Maximum interest variance allowed on the interest rate for the product.
  Minimum/Maximum Installment
The minimum/Maximum installment amount that can be accepted as an installment for an account opened under the product.
  Minimum/Maximum Grace Period (in Days)
The minimum/Maximum grace period in months. Only Islamic Loan has this attribute.  There can also be a grace period at the account level.
  Offer Validity Period
The number of days/months/years within which a given offer of a loan has to be accepted by the borrower. Offer validity period is the stage where the bank makes an offer to the customer and the customer accepts the terms and conditions of the loan, before the loan offer expires.
   Acceptance Validity Period
The number of days/months/years till which an acceptance of the offer is valid.

  Document plan code
document plan code defined for maintaining the list of required documents for accounts under the given loan product.
  Statement Frequency
The frequency at which statement of the accounts under the given loan product will be sent to the customer.
  Pass contingent
If to pass the contingent entries. It allows the user to select the frequency of the contingent entries.
  Type of security required
type of security required for the loans product. 
Value options include:
  None---unsecured loans will be allowed
  Guarantor--a customer has to be linked to the account with GUA relationship.
  Collateral--A collateral has to be linked to the account
  Security -- a security has to be linked to the account
Collateral Review Frequency
the frequency at which the collateral that are deposited by the customer for the loan accounts under the given product are reviewed for revaluation. A report will be generated comparing the collateral provided against a credit on the account.

Exception Reporting
  Small/Large Loan Amount
If the loan is disbursed for a value below/above the specified amount, it is automatically reflected in the exception report for the day.
   Small/Large terms in Months
If the loan is disbursed for a period below/above the specified term, it's automatically reflected in the exception report for the day.
   Small/Large Rate
If the loan is disbursed for a value below/above the specified rate, it is automatically reflected in the exception report for the day.

Sanctioned Amount Revision
    Allow Upwards/Downwards
if the sanctioned limit of the account can be increased/decreased.
    Below Utilized Amount
if the sanctioned limit of the account can be decreased below the amount utilized.

Allowed Disbursement Modes
the mode in which disbursement is allowed for the accounts under the given product.  Value options include:
    Current/Savings: disbursement through current/savings
    Cash: disbursement through cash
     Outward Remittance:
     External Account:
Maximum No of Disbursements
maximum number of times the bank can disburse the loan. Only one disbursement can take place during a day.
Recession Period in Days
The recession period after the disbursal of the loan. The recession period starts after the first disbursal. If the customer wants to cancel the loan within the recession period, then all the deduction and the interest accrued/charged on the account will be reversed by the system.
Threshold on sanctioned amount
The threshold percentage. It's the percentage over sanctioned amount that can be disbursed without any additional checked or authorizations.

  Disbursement deduction plan code
 a deduction plan is a list of deductions/billing/debits to be performed at the time of loan disbursement.
  Schedule Drawn On
based on which the schedule will be drawn. Value options include:
     Actual outstanding Amount--
     Sanction Amount--

Available amount for disbursement
Include Advances
 include the advances in the disbursal amount or not
  Exclude Unbilled interest
exclude the unbilled interest or not
  Move to regular stage after disbursement
if the account should move to regulare type after IOA stage.

Allowed Repayment Modes
  The mode by which repayment is allowed for the accounts under the given product.  Value options include:
     Current/Savings -- Repayment through current/savings.
     Cash -- Repayment through cash
     Cheque --
     GL --
     ATM --
     POS --
     Inward Remittance --
     External Account --

Appropriation Sequence
  The appropriation sequence for normal loans,indicating the sequence in which the funds credited to the loan account shall be appropriated to the various arrear buckets.  The standard sequence is CIFPOLANUTSDEGM. It stands for:
    C - Principal Arrears (欠款,逾期债款)
    I - Interest Arrears
    F - Fee Arrears
    P - Premium Arrears
    O - Outgoing Arrears
    L - Late Fee Arrears (Suspended Penalty interest)
    A - Penalty Arrears
    N - Non Accrual Interest Arrears (Suspended interest)
    U - Suspended Post Maturity Interest
    T - Post Maturity Interest
    S - Legal Fees Arrears
    D - Suspended Fees
    E - Suspended legal fees
    G - Suspended Premimum
    M - Suspended outgoing
Longest Overdue First
   If to perform the appropriation sequence date-wise.
Payoff Benefit
   The date from which a reduction in interest should be effected when a partial payment is made by the customer. 
   Value options include:
    Immediate -- The partial payoff payment done will take effect on the interest amount on the same day as the payment day. It is applicable only when the interest calculation method is daily balance.
    Next Due Date  -- The partial payoff payment done should take effect on the interest amount on the next due date of the loan account.
    Next Rest Period -- The partial payoff payment done should take effect on the interest amount on the next due date of the loan account.
    No Effect --
Lead days for repayment Date
  the number of days available to the customer for repayment of dues. These are applicable for revolving loans.
Minimum Amount For PPF
   Setup the number of installments that must be paid by the customer to treat the repayment as partial pay off.

Auto Repayments
   Drawdown behavior
 The drawdown behavior of the loans product.  Value options include:
     Partial Amount Allowed -- drawdown partiall amount of installment in case for the entire installment is not available
     Full Payment Only -- Drawdown only full installment amount, else reject the drawdown
    Raise Earmark -- drawdown funds available in CASA account and raise earmark for the remaining un-available amount
    Force Debit -- Drawdown the required funds from CASA account by force debit on CASA account.
Drawdown In
 the appropriate drawdown options.  Value options include:
    EOD --
    BOD --
Drawdown retry in
 the appropriate drawdown retry option
    BOTH --
    EOD --
    BOD --
Maximum Retires (Daily Retry)
The maximum number of retries in case a drawdown is set up on a CASA account and the CASA account does not have the funds. The system will try to draw down from the CASA account for the specified number of times on consecutive days in the BOD. This field is applicable only for drawdown from CASA mode of repayment.
Drawdown on Next working day
 if to process the drawdown on the next working day in case the drawdown day is a holiday. If not, the drawdown would happen on the previous working day.

Rate Intimations
  Generate Intimations for Rate change
 if to generate the rate change intimation.
  Lead days for rate renewal
  Lead days for rate renewal.

Non Payments
Repayment Grace Days
The maximum number of grace days for a customer to pay any arrears before incurring penalty on the outstanding unpaid arrears.
Waive Penalty on Min Due Payment
if to waive penalty on minimum due payment. If the MAD is paid, then the penalty is not calculated.
Compute Penalty on repayments
  If to compute penalty on repayments.
  Reminder Plan
 the loan reminder plan code containing the nature of reminders to be sent to customers and/or their associates in case of non-payment of arrears.
  Minimum Arrears for Reminder
 The minimum arrears for reminder.
  NPL Appropriation sequence
 the sequence in which the balance in an NPL account will be appropriated, indicating the sequence in which the funds credited to a suspended loan account shall be appropriated to the various arrear buckets.
  Longest Overdue first
Perform the appropriation sequence date-wise.

Asset Classification Preferences
 Preferences Plan code
A preference plan code of the classification preferences determines the preference set for the product with respects CRR movement, provisioning and claw-back used for suspended accounts.
 Secured classification plan code
secured classification plan code.
  Unsecured classification plan code
 the unsecured classification plan code.

Arrear Reporting
 Minimum Arrear for Reporting
 The minimum arrear for reporting. The loan accounts which have value of arrears above the given value will be reported.

Small Balance Waiver Limit
 setup the residual amount that can be waived after the maturity of the loan. This applies to debit balances in a loan account. If at maturity of the loan, the outstanding amount is less than the small balance waiver amount, then the outstanding amount will be waived and the account will be closed.
Small Balance Forfeiture limit
 The maximum amount that can be forfeited(没收) by the bank. This applies to credit balances in a loan account. If at maturity of the loan, the repayment is more than the outstanding by up to the forfeiture amount, then the amount is forfeited and the loan account closed.
Maximum Lockin Period (Initial Period)
 the lockin period, which is the minimum period before which an early settlement of loans can not be done. If an early and final settlement is desired even before the expiry of the initial period, then the borrow is charged interest till the initial period subject to other conditions like notice period.
Minimum Notice Period for early settlement
 The minimum duration or notice period in the given unit, before the early and final premature settlement of the loan, before which the customer is required to give a notice to the bank about the early settlement of the loan. If a notice period is provided, then interest on the loan is calculated till the notice period start date else the interest is calculated till the EFS date.
Roll Over: Roll over option for the given loans product. Rollover controls the renewal of revolving loan accounts under the product.  Value options include:
    Automatic: Allows the user to rollover the accounts if the arrears are not in the account;
    Manual: Allows the user to manually rollover. The maturity date can be extended manually.
    None: applicable for term loans where the maturity dates can not be extended.
Small Amount for MAD:
the part of the MAD amount raised as per the formula which is specified while defining the minimum due plan. It's applicable only for revolving loans.

GL Reporting



