Product Code: code for identifying the CASA product in FCR.
RD Option: The type of account to be defined. The default value is CASA.
CASA: CASA account type.
RD: recurring deposit type of account
Statement and Advices
Statement Parameters
1. SC Analysis Flag: If the get a split of the consolidated services charges applied on the account. The breakup can be viewed in a separate report.
2. Statement Frequency: The time frequency or interval at which the account statement should be generated.
3. Statement to all Inactive accounts: If the statement is to be generated for all the accounts on which no transactions have been posted during the statement cycle.
4. Branch Name Address Flag: if the appearance of branch name and address is desired on the statement
5. Year to Date Number Flag: If the generated statement must display the number of occurrence of the statement within a year.
6. Account Closing Statement: If the statement is to be generated after the account closure procedure.
7. Deferred Statement Generation Day: The day or date on which all the account statements should be generated, instead of the regular month end schedule.
Rate Change Advices
1. Generate Rate change Intimation: Whether to generate the rate change intimation for accounts.
2. Lead Days for Intimation: the lead days for intimation. The advice will be generated these number of days before a future dated rate change.
Notice Format Parameters
1. SI Failed Notice Format: setup the format in which the advice for the failure of the standing instruction execution is to be generated during the EOD process.
2. Insufficient Funds Advice Format: The format in which the insufficient advice will be generated. An insufficient fund advice is generated at the EOD process if the account does not have the minimum balance.
3. Tax Deduction Notice Format: Setup the format in which the TDS notice will be generated. The TDS notice will be generated during EOD process if TDS is applicable and is deducted for an account.
4. Reminder Plan Code: The plan code for the generation of payment reminders. The advice is generated when the payment is outstanding on the account for a number of days greater than number of days specified for the generation of an advice as specified in the reminder plan code.
5. Minimum arrear for reminder: setup the minimum amount after which reminder is generated.
6. Minimum arrear for TOD/Overline report:
Credit Line
1. OD Notice Format: the format in which the OD notice will be generated. OD notice is generated for accounts whose balance falls within the OD limit ceiling. The system generates an advice stating that there is an balance outstanding in the customer's account.
2. Overdraft Notice Past Due days: the number of days after which a notice will be sent to the customer after the expire of the OD.
3. Limit Exp. Notice Format: The format in which the limit expiry notice will be generated.
4. Cr Line Exp. Notice Lead Days: The number of days prior to the expiry of the credit line when a notice will be sent to the customer.
SI Advice
1. SI Credit/Debit Advice Format: setup the format in which the SI credit/Debit advice will be generated. The system generates the SI credit advice for the beneficiary's account after the successful execution of the standing instructions.
Uncleared Funds Advance Line
1. Expiry Notice Format: The format in which the uncleared funds expiry notice will be generated. The system will generated an advice in this format before Expiry Notice Lead days of expiry of the advance against uncleared funds on the account.
2. Expiry Notice Lead Days: setup the number of days prior to the expiry of the uncleared funds advance line when a notice will be sent to the customer.
Installment Amount
1. Minimum/Maximum: the Minimum/Maximum amount per installment for the accounts under the product.
2. Incremental: The incremental amount per installment for the accounts under the product.
Draw-down instructions
1. Draw-down execution for holiday duedates on: The drawdown day in case the drawdown execution day is a holiday. Options include: Next working day, Previous working day.
2. Max No. of Retries: Setup the maximum number of retries allowed. The maximum number of retries which should be undertaken by the system in event of drawdown failure.
1. Term Unit: The unit in which the term of the RD will be defined. (Month, Year, Week)
2. Min/Max Term. The minimum/maximum number of terms units allowed for the accounts under the product.
3. Minimum Lock-in Period: The unit in which the minimum lock-in period of the RD account will be defined. Values include Days, Months, Years.
Other RD Parameters
1. Installment Frequency: the installment frequency of RD.
2. Rest Period Basis: The basis for rest period. Value include : Anniversary and Calendar.
3. Partial payment Allowed: If the payment of an installment amount different from the regular outstanding installment amount & penalty.
4. Holiday Grace Days Facility: check to enable the system not be charge penalty if installment due date is a holiday and customer makes payment on next working day.
5. Interest Calculation Method: The method to be used for interest calculation. Values include: Actual--the interest will be computed on the actual balance. Expected--the interest calculation will not look at the actual balance and will compute interest on the scheduled expected balance.
6. Penalty Calculation Basis: The criteria for penalty calculation. Values include: Online--online is supported only for EAB type of Maturity value computation; Account closure--Penalty is calculated on account closure.
7. Maturity Value Routine: The maturity value routine to be used to compute the maturity value of the RD. AP_CH_RD_EAB_COMP_INT is an instance of such routine.
8. Penalty Rate-Control Flag: type of penalty rate to be used for the product. Values include: Fixed--Fixed penalty rate is allowed for EAB type of maturity value computation; Floating--Floating penalty rate is allowed for IBA and RBTT type of maturity value computation.
9. RD Matured GL: Set up the GL account to which the RD account is transferred after maturity.
10. Penalty Income GL: The GL account to which the penalty amount is transferred after maturity
11. Extend Maturity on late payment: if the maturity date of the accounts falling under this product is to be extended by one installment frequency from the date of payment, in case the last installment payment happens after the grace period.

RD Option: The type of account to be defined. The default value is CASA.
CASA: CASA account type.
RD: recurring deposit type of account
Statement and Advices
Statement Parameters
1. SC Analysis Flag: If the get a split of the consolidated services charges applied on the account. The breakup can be viewed in a separate report.
2. Statement Frequency: The time frequency or interval at which the account statement should be generated.
3. Statement to all Inactive accounts: If the statement is to be generated for all the accounts on which no transactions have been posted during the statement cycle.
4. Branch Name Address Flag: if the appearance of branch name and address is desired on the statement
5. Year to Date Number Flag: If the generated statement must display the number of occurrence of the statement within a year.
6. Account Closing Statement: If the statement is to be generated after the account closure procedure.
7. Deferred Statement Generation Day: The day or date on which all the account statements should be generated, instead of the regular month end schedule.
Rate Change Advices
1. Generate Rate change Intimation: Whether to generate the rate change intimation for accounts.
2. Lead Days for Intimation: the lead days for intimation. The advice will be generated these number of days before a future dated rate change.
Notice Format Parameters
1. SI Failed Notice Format: setup the format in which the advice for the failure of the standing instruction execution is to be generated during the EOD process.
2. Insufficient Funds Advice Format: The format in which the insufficient advice will be generated. An insufficient fund advice is generated at the EOD process if the account does not have the minimum balance.
3. Tax Deduction Notice Format: Setup the format in which the TDS notice will be generated. The TDS notice will be generated during EOD process if TDS is applicable and is deducted for an account.
4. Reminder Plan Code: The plan code for the generation of payment reminders. The advice is generated when the payment is outstanding on the account for a number of days greater than number of days specified for the generation of an advice as specified in the reminder plan code.
5. Minimum arrear for reminder: setup the minimum amount after which reminder is generated.
6. Minimum arrear for TOD/Overline report:
Credit Line
1. OD Notice Format: the format in which the OD notice will be generated. OD notice is generated for accounts whose balance falls within the OD limit ceiling. The system generates an advice stating that there is an balance outstanding in the customer's account.
2. Overdraft Notice Past Due days: the number of days after which a notice will be sent to the customer after the expire of the OD.
3. Limit Exp. Notice Format: The format in which the limit expiry notice will be generated.
4. Cr Line Exp. Notice Lead Days: The number of days prior to the expiry of the credit line when a notice will be sent to the customer.
SI Advice
1. SI Credit/Debit Advice Format: setup the format in which the SI credit/Debit advice will be generated. The system generates the SI credit advice for the beneficiary's account after the successful execution of the standing instructions.
Uncleared Funds Advance Line
1. Expiry Notice Format: The format in which the uncleared funds expiry notice will be generated. The system will generated an advice in this format before Expiry Notice Lead days of expiry of the advance against uncleared funds on the account.
2. Expiry Notice Lead Days: setup the number of days prior to the expiry of the uncleared funds advance line when a notice will be sent to the customer.
Installment Amount
1. Minimum/Maximum: the Minimum/Maximum amount per installment for the accounts under the product.
2. Incremental: The incremental amount per installment for the accounts under the product.
Draw-down instructions
1. Draw-down execution for holiday duedates on: The drawdown day in case the drawdown execution day is a holiday. Options include: Next working day, Previous working day.
2. Max No. of Retries: Setup the maximum number of retries allowed. The maximum number of retries which should be undertaken by the system in event of drawdown failure.
1. Term Unit: The unit in which the term of the RD will be defined. (Month, Year, Week)
2. Min/Max Term. The minimum/maximum number of terms units allowed for the accounts under the product.
3. Minimum Lock-in Period: The unit in which the minimum lock-in period of the RD account will be defined. Values include Days, Months, Years.
Other RD Parameters
1. Installment Frequency: the installment frequency of RD.
2. Rest Period Basis: The basis for rest period. Value include : Anniversary and Calendar.
3. Partial payment Allowed: If the payment of an installment amount different from the regular outstanding installment amount & penalty.
4. Holiday Grace Days Facility: check to enable the system not be charge penalty if installment due date is a holiday and customer makes payment on next working day.
5. Interest Calculation Method: The method to be used for interest calculation. Values include: Actual--the interest will be computed on the actual balance. Expected--the interest calculation will not look at the actual balance and will compute interest on the scheduled expected balance.
6. Penalty Calculation Basis: The criteria for penalty calculation. Values include: Online--online is supported only for EAB type of Maturity value computation; Account closure--Penalty is calculated on account closure.
7. Maturity Value Routine: The maturity value routine to be used to compute the maturity value of the RD. AP_CH_RD_EAB_COMP_INT is an instance of such routine.
8. Penalty Rate-Control Flag: type of penalty rate to be used for the product. Values include: Fixed--Fixed penalty rate is allowed for EAB type of maturity value computation; Floating--Floating penalty rate is allowed for IBA and RBTT type of maturity value computation.
9. RD Matured GL: Set up the GL account to which the RD account is transferred after maturity.
10. Penalty Income GL: The GL account to which the penalty amount is transferred after maturity
11. Extend Maturity on late payment: if the maturity date of the accounts falling under this product is to be extended by one installment frequency from the date of payment, in case the last installment payment happens after the grace period.