Core banking: 核心银行
CORE: Centralized Online Real-time Exchange
Redemption: 赎回
Redemption on Maturity: 到期赎回
Recurring Deposit Redemption (RD): 零存整取
Cash Deposit:现金存款
Balance Inquiry: 余额查询
Amount based Account Image Display:基于金额的账户影像显示
CRB Details Maintance: 监管报告(CBR)信息维护
Customer: 客户
Account: 账户
Signature Type: 印签类型
Local Currencey: 银行本币
System date: 系统时间 (分行入账日期)
Transaction processing: 交易处理
Account Transaction: 账户交易
Loan Account Transaction: 贷款账户交易
Rate Change: 贷款利率变更
Bank Code : 银行代码. elements of a bank code is not clear for me. what about other bank’s code?
Maintance Status Code: 维护状态标记. Authorized, Null, Deffered and etc is an element of the Status Type
Authorize: 授权. Paraller Authorize. Local Authorize,Remote Authorize, Centralized Authorize, Deffered Authorize(延迟授权)
Cut-off: 日切
EOD: End of Day
BOD: Beginning of Day
Hold: 冻结.
Hold Number: a number generated by flexcube to identify a particular Hold marked on an account; multiple holds can be marked on an account. Hold number is generated every time a hold is marked on an account. Hold Number is stored in table CH_HOLD_FUNDS, as the column COD_HOLD_NO. Hold numbers will be unique for a single account but will not be unique for multiple accounts.
Lien: 留置权;抵押品所产生的利息. (don't know it in an exact way).
Inoperative account: An account in which no operations or transactions have taken place over a period of time. An account that has been inoperative for a period of time is declared as s dormant account after the inoperative period is over. but there are no accounts with status inoperative in OFCR.
The table ba_acct_status stores all the available account status in the FCR, although some of the status like 'inoperative' are not available anymore.
There are blocked accounts, dormant accounts, restricted accounts and lots of others.
Dormancy period: 账户休眠期, Typically 6 months.
Instruction Number: a number generated by FC to identify a particular Standing Instruction maintained for a CASA account. unique for a single account but not unique across multiple accounts. Table CH_SI_TABLE stores the information as column CTR_SI_INST_NO for a CASA account.
Standing Instruction: 长期指令. There is a standing Order in wiki, sounds the same thing. an instruction a bank account holder gives to his bank to pay a set amount at regular intervals to another accounts.
Loan Disbursement: Loan host disbursement/ Loan branch disbursement. The process of paying out the sanctioned loan amount to the customer. First Host disbursement, then branch disbursement in the same day, otherwise, the host disbursement has to be reversed. If reversal of host disbursement can not be done manually, the system does it automatically at the end of the day.
Loan Schedule Simulation: refers to the simulation of a loan account schedule generation if the disbursement date, loan term, amount and rates are provided as inputs to the system. Loan Funds Flow Calculator..
Notice Deposit: Call Deposit. A type of time deposit, which doesn't have a maturity date and can be redeemed or withdrawn whenever the customer asks for it with a prior notice to the bank. The fewer days prior the day he/she actually redeem the deposit, these days are referenced as the Lead Days for Notice.
Demand Deposit: the customer can redeem the deposit anytime, on demand and without notice.
Call deposit is an example of is an example of Notice Deposit, while Flexible TD is an example of Demand Deposit. Related tables include: TD_ACCT_MASTER.
Out_of_Order Accounts: An account for which either the outstanding balance is in excess of the sanctioned TOD/Overline or , no credits have been made for the last three months. If an account is out-of-order for a period of more than 90 days in case of overdraft/credit cash, the account is treated as an NPA account. An account for which the credits made are not sufficient to cover the interest debited during the last three months is also considered an out-of-order account.
Passbook format: the structure of the savings passbook page in the form of the number of rows and the number of transactions it will accommodate. Passbook format is stored in .xsl file. Format is selected at the product level. For CASA products only. The passbook format is stored in the table: BA_REC_DOC_PSBK.
Payment Appropriation(拨款,挪用) Simulation: refers to the simulation of the status of arrears(欠款,逾期贷款) in a loan account,when a customer has made some payment towards the arrears.
Reminder Plan: A plan defined in the system comprising a series of advices/notices according to which reminders are sent to defaulting customers to payup the installment amount due towards a loan outstanding or arrears. the plans are stored in BA_REMINDER_PLAN.
Streaming in EOD batch: the process of running multiple instances of a processing function simultaneously.
Collateral ID: a unique number entered into the FLEXCUBE system by the user to identify a specific collateral. If the collateral is a TD, the collateral ID is the TD account number. Table related LN_COLL_INSURANCE.
Collateral: 并行的/旁系的/抵押品/担保品. A value pledged(抵押品) by a loan borrower to the bank for repayment of the loan in case it cannot be repaid through the normal repayment procedure. Flexcube accepts the following collateral categories: property, automobile, term deposit, financial securities, insurance, bill, non-standard collaterals.
Face Value: the value of the loan. The total amount sanctioned for the loan.
Advance: Any payment made by the customer toward a loan repayment before the due date.
Customer: The person/party who holds an account with the bank and avails of its service. The person/party who has a customer Id in FLEXCUBE. CI_CUSTMAST maybe the table.
Service Charge: Service Charge is related to the following table: BA_SC_CODE, SC_PKG_MAST, SC_PKG_ACCT, SC_ACCT_PKG, SC_DUE_FOR_CYCLE, SC_TXNS_DLTS, SC_TXNS_SUMMARY.
Accrual: the process of accruing or accumulating interest for a bank account before crediting or debiting it to the account. In the context of interests, and refers to the interests that have been accrued in the general ledger for an account but not actually been credited or debited to the account. Accrual is the recognition of income. In loans, the recognition of interest is done at frequent intervals. This is specified at the product level as column 'FRQ_INT_ACCR' in the table 'LN_PROD_MAST'. Tables related to the accrual includes LN_ACCT_INT_BALANCE_DTLS, LN_INT_RULES, LN_PROD_INT_ATTR
Posting date: the date on which a transaction is posted/recorded in the Flexcube system.
There are Transaction Date, Value Date, Activation Date, Dispatch Date in Flexcube system, lots of different dates.
Batch number: a unique number generated by the flexcube system and assigned to a set of transactions (called a batch) in flexcube for the purpose of identification. The tables include 'BA_BATCH_MAST', 'LN_BATCH_CTRL','LN_EOD_RESTART'. System Generated Transactions and User Generated Transaction have different schema in the batch number. System generated Transactions have batch numbers generated in the host database, while user generated transactions have batch numbers generated in the branch database
Customer Id: a serially generated integer number. Maximum limitation of this number is 9999999999. The code of generating the ID is written in C.
Branch: a subdivision of a bank established at a location other than the location where the bank itself is situated, in order to cater to the clients in that location.
Interest base: the sum on which interest is calculated. Interest base increases when compounding of interest takes place. The related tables include 'LN_INT_BASE_HIST'.
Account Number: A unique number generated by the FLEXCUBE system or entered by the user and assigned to a customer's account for the purpose of identification. The account number is used to identify the account of a customer in all transactions made by the customer. Account number is a numeric value. 10 digits to 16 digits. BA_PROD_ACCT_INFO table stores configure info of the bank's account number. Account Number can be generated by the FC system or entered by the user ( for example, for a legacy system migration). Account generation mask can be configure separately for TD, LN and CASA accounts. The SQL is as below:
Lucky Account Numbers: reserved only for CASA accounts. These numbers are maintained in a list and are allocated as per availability. CH_RESERVED_ACCT_MAST stores those Lucky account numbers.
Catch-up accrual (利息,收益):interest accrual that has been done in between an accrual cycle due to some charging event on the account. Catch-up Accrual is done when a charging occurs. 不是很明白这个catch-up accrual的意思和商业价值.
Account: An account is the basis of the relationship between a bank and its customer and the account statement gives details of all the credit/debit transactions that have taken place in the account. Accounts that are opened for a customer are stored in the table 'CS_HO_CUSTACCTXREF'
In Flexcube, accounts are always created under a specific product and are assigned an account branch. Accounts' information are stored in different tables depending on the module.
1. CASA accounts: CH_ACCT_MAST
2. TD accounts: TD_ACCT_MAST
3. LN accounts: LN_ACCT_DTLS
General Ledger: general ledger is an internal account maintained by the bank where it records the financial transactions done by the bank. FC allows multi-currency and multi-branch posting to a GL. Ledger account means Branch+Currency+GL Code combination. Tables related: GLTM_GLMASTER, GL_TABLE, GL_MASTER
Fast Path: task code. Flexcube's definition.
Account status: the current position or status of a customer's account. Available statuses for LOAN and TD accounts are different from those for CASA accounts. Tables: LN_ACCT_DTLS, LN_ACCT_STAT_HIST, BA_ACCT_STATUS
Interest: a sum charged for borrowed money or a sum paid for use of money. Usually expressed as percentage of the amount borrowed or paid over a period of time (which is usually one year). Accrual of interest results in a credit entry in an interest income GL account. Related table: LN_INT_RULES, LN_INT_TXNLOG, LN_INT_COMP_TXN, BA_PROD_PRODTYPE_XREF
Accrual basis: the rule that determines how interest accrues over a period for an account.
Arrears: a due raised to the customer. The customer borrows money from the Bank. Now, if the customer has not paid back the due money within the due time, the Bank will ask him/her to pay this due periodically by raising arrears. Types of arrears: interest arrears, penalty arrears, principal arrears and so on.
Arrear Type: The kind of arrear. All the available arrear types are stored in the table: LN_ARREARS_TABLE, LN_UNACC_ARREARS_TABLE, LN_ARREAR_TXN_HIST, LN_ACCT_DTLS, LN_ACCT_STAT_HIST
Currency: The unit of measurement of money that the bank running FLEXCUBE choose to perform a monetary transaction in. Currencies can be maintained only at the head office. Attributes needed for a valid currency:
1. currency name
2. currency code
3. currency type
4. currency rate
5. currency denomination (面额)
In flexcube, a currency can be assigned to a product. Once a currency has been assigned to a product, all the accounts opened under that product will have this currency as it account currency by default. Tables include: BA_CCY_RATE, BA_CCY_CODE, CYTM_CCY_DEFN, BA_FW_COD_CCY_XREF, CYTM_RATE_TYPE, CYTM_CCY_PAIR_DEFN, CYTM_CCY_DENO_MASTER
Interest Rate: The percentage of Interest charged/paid for a fixed period of time, usually one year. Three types of interest rates: fixed, floating and fixed amount. In floating rate, there is a ceiling in rate. Tables include LN_ACCT_RATES, LN_RATCHG_REJECTS, LN_RATCHG_ACTIONS, LN_RATCHG_ADVICE_ACTIONS, LN_RATCHG_SCHEDULED.
Drawdown: the withdrawal of funds from a CASA account to pay loan account arrears, as per the instructions specified by the customer who holds the account. A single CASA account can at the same time be a remitter(汇款人) account for multiple loan accounts. The setup instructions are stored in the following table: LN_ACCT_PAYINSTRN (COD_REMITTER_NO).
Transaction: Conduction of a financial business initiated by a customer or the bank and recorded in the customer's account and the bank's general ledger.
Remitter account: An account through which remittance or transfer of funds take place.
Moratorium: 暂停/中止;延期偿付.A stage or period in the loan repayment schedule in which no repayment is done or interest paid; however, interest is accrued during the period. At the end of the period the accrued interest is capitalized and the regular period schedule is drawn up by the flexcube.
Transaction Date: The number that gives the date and the time of the day when a transaction take place in FC. Part of the Transaction Key and indicates time up to the 'second' level only. The date is as per the original channel, which means that mostly it never indicates the time of the data center. Transaction originated from ATM machine, it reflects the time of the city where the ATM is located. The field 'dat_txn' stores the transaction date. Tables include LN_ACCT_LEDG, LN_ARREAR_TXN_HIST.
Transaction Key: a unique combination of numbers that serve to identify various constituents of a transaction that has taken place in FLEXCUBE. Transaction Key helps in identifying the various transactions that were posted for one user transaction. Typically consists of the Branch Number, the User/Teller Number, the Batch Number, the Transaction Reference Number, the STAN Number, the Sub Sequence Number, the transaction Date and User reference Number. Tables include: LN_ACCT_LEDG, XF_OL_ST_TXNLOG_CURRENT, LN_ARREAR_TXN_HIST, BA_CC_BRN_MAST, SM_USER_PROFILE.
Sub sequence number: A unique number generated by FC to identifies the various legs of a transaction distinctly. The field name is 'ref_subseq_no'. Most transactions have two legs (one for debit, one for credit), sometimes more than two.Flexcube generates one unique number to identify both these legs, and this number is the Sub-Sequence Number. Tables include: LN_ACCT_LEDG, LN_DAILY_TXN_LOG_HIST, LN_ARREAR_TXN_HIST.....
STAN Number: An acronym obtained from System Trace Audit Number. This is a unique number generated serially by Flexcube, everytime a transaction is performed in a day. Starts from 1 every business day for every user. The value is stored in a table as the field -'ref_sys_tr_aud_no'. For system-generated transactions, the STAN number is generated per program, while for user-generated transaction, the STAN number is generated per user.
User reference number: The number of the voucher entered into the flexcube system. it's alphanumeric and can be up to '40 digit' long.
User number: a unique number generated by FC to identify a particular user. User number is also referred to as the Teller Number. This number is used to identify the user or the bank teller who initiated a particular transaction or was involved in the particular transaction. Field name stores this database is 'COD_USERNO'. The maximum limit for a user number in FLEXCUBE is 32767. The rules generates a User number/Teller Id.
Product: The commodity sold by a Bank to its customer. A retail bank, typically sells three major types of products to its customers----Loan products, Term Deposit (TD) products, and Current & Savings Account (CASA). Under these three types, the bank defines one or more products. Account in flexcube is opened under a product. Tables include: LN_PROD_INT_ATTR, LN_PROD_MAST, LN_PROD_PROMO_INT_RATES, LN_PROD_RATES, LN_PROD_RATES_180608, LN_PROD_RATES_BKP, LN_PROD_REPRICING_REVISION, LN_PROD_SCHTYPE_XREF
Transaction Reference Number: A unique number generated by Flexcube that identifies all the sub-transactions or internal transactions that together form a single complex transaction.
Transaction mnemonic: a unique number assigned by the Flexcube System to a particular type or category of transaction that it handlers, for the purpose of internal identification. Field name is 'COD_TXN_MNEMONIC'.
Account branch: The branch of the bank where an account is opened and to which it belongs. Account branch is also called as the Home branch. Every branch is identified a unique code called the branch code. Account branch is of high significance for the bank. The account bank's balance sheet, service charge, profit and loss are all recorded. Account and its branch is stored in the table: CS_HO_CUSTACCTXREF. SELECT COD_ACCT_NO, COD_CC_BRN FROM CS_HO_CUSTACCTXREF
Since customers can be relocated, account branch can be changed and it's called to branch transfer. BA_CC_BRN_MAST_NLS...
Customer IC (Identification Criteria): a unique number entered in Flexcube by the user during the process of adding a new customer, social security number, passport number, birth certificate number or corporate register number or others are OK.
IBAN: International Bank Account Number, a unique number generated by FLEXCUBE to make the flexcube account identifiable across the world.
BBAN: Basic Bank Account Number, it is a unique number that identifies a local Bank account in a country. BBAN is a constituent of IBAN.
Transaction Branch: The branch of the bank in which a transaction is performed. The Transaction branch number is also referred to as the Originating Branch code/number. The field name in the database is 'COD_CC_BRN_TXN'
Account currency: the currency in which all the bank account entries are posted.
MCA: multi-currency account. one account can hold multiple currencies. Multiple accounts are opened for the customer, one per currency. For customer's convenience, he/she is given a single account number and performs transactions against a single account. Flexcube automatically transfer funds to the correct accounts, thereby avoid the currency exchange risk. Find currencies for an account:
Product Code: The unique number entered into the system to identify a specific product. The maximum allowable value of the product code is '999'. The number ranges available to CASA/TD/LOAN are defined in the table BA_PROD_ACCT_INFO. The field name to store the Product Code is 'COD_PROD'.
Branch Number: The unique number entered into system to identify a specific branch of a bank. Minimum number is 1 and the maximum number is 9999. In some banks, specific number, typically 333 was kept reserved to identify a non-CBS(non core banking system) branch. Branch number is also referred to as Branch Code. This number helped identify the exact branch from where the transaction originated. This number also was referred to as the Originating Branch Number. The field name of this number is 'COD_CC_BRN'.
Captitalization: Conversion of arrear into capital by adding up the arrear amount to the principal amount such that it is removed from the IOA base and made a part of the principal.
Collateral (抵押) Code: a unique number entered into the Flexcube system by the user to identify a particular type of collateral to be attached to a loan. The collateral and the loan account to which the collateral is attached should have the same currency. The table related is : LN_COLL_INSURANCE
Collateral Value: The monetary value of the collateral to be attached to the loan account.
Sweep-out: A functionality in OFCR by which excess balance or fund in a customer's CASA account is transferred to another account that maybe a CASA, TD or even a non-FC account. The account from which funds are being swept out is referred to as the Provider Account and the Account into which funds are being swept in is referred to as the Beneficiary Account.
Three types of sweep-outs by types of accounts involved in the funds transfer:
1. Sweep-out from CASA to CASA
2. Sweep-out from CASA to TD
3. Sweep-out from CASA to non-FLEXCUBE account.
Two types of Sweep-out categories:
1. Normal Sweep-out: funds are swept out from the Provider Account to the Beneficiary Account
2. Reverse Sweep-out: funds are swept out from the Beneficiary Account back to the Provider Account.
The Sweep-out of funds takes place typically at the end of the business day during the EOD batch process.
Term Deposit: An amount deposited by a customer with the bank for a fixed term or period, that cannot be withdrawn until the term or period is over, and for which the bank pays interest to the customer. Tables include: TD_DEP_MAST, TD_DEPOSIT_DETAILS, TD_ACCT_MAST.
Simple Interest: interest computed only on the principal balance, without compounding. Tables include: TD_DEP_MAST, TD_ACCT_MAST...
Taxable Customer Id: The customer ID of the customer for whom tax is applicable, on opening a Term deposit account for him/her. Tables: TD_AUDIT_TRAIL, TS_TDS_LOG, TS_INCOMETAX_LOG, TD_ACCT_MAST....
Tax Code: a unique number that represents the tax deducted at source (TDS)..
Blocked Account: A TD account for which the interest is accrued on the deposits but is not paid to the customer or compounded to the principal.
Tax Exemption Limit: an income limit specified by the land's government, up to which tax is not applicable or is exempted.
Restricted Account: The accounts of a particular customer wherein only authorized officers can inquire and post transactions into. Unauthorized Tellers will not be able to transact on the account.
Employee Account: The account belonging to the staff of the bank. FLG_EMP_ACCT in the table TD_ACCT_MAST
Renewal Number: the number of term deposits created out of the source term deposit either due to renewals or the payouts.
Principal Balance: The original or base amount invested in a Term Deposit, which is exclusive of earnings. The TD account principal balance is the sum total of the principal balance of all the term deposits held under the TD accounts.
Maturity Date: The data on which the term deposit matures or becomes due and payable. This Date is arrived at by adding the deposit term to the interest start Date of the TD. Sometimes a little trick to calculate the Maturity Date.
Payout Frequency: The time interval at which the interest earned on a Term Deposit is paid out.
Compounding Frequency: a specified time interval at the end of which the interest earned on the term deposit will be compounded to the principal.
Term: The period of the Term Deposit.
Interest Index Code: A unique code manually generated by the system to identify an interest rate defined by the bank for a particular product. The rate of the product is not stored in the table, instead the index code is stored. Maximum 999 index codes can be defined.
Product Variance: The interest variance defined under product-rate maintenance for the slab in which TD principal balance and term fits in.
Annual Equivalent Rate (AER): The annualized rate or return, which the Bank pays to the customer. The calculation of the AER depends on the number of compounding cycles and also the rate of the deposit. AER is calculated at the time of account opening. AER is calculated at the time of account opening. AER is re-calculated whenever there is a change in the interest rate for the deposits.
Discounted Amount: The discounted term deposit amount. For discounted deposits, the customer allows the deposits to receive a pre-defined maturity amount. For example, a customer wants to earn a maturity amount of 10,000. The bank will consider the interest adjustments and calculate the initial payment amount, the customer needs to make. In this case, the maturity amount and the interest are fixed.
Net Rate (Net Effective Rate): The actual rate at which interest is paid for the deposit.
Net Rate = Interest Rate (at deposit level) + Interest Variance + Product Variance. The net rate should be within the minimum and the maximum interest rate specified at the product level.
Lien Amount: The amount in a term deposit on which lien has been marked. The deposit will remain blocked upto the extent of the lien marked. A lien marked on a Term deposit automatically puts a partial lien on the account to which the deposit belongs. Tables related: TD_LIEN_MAST.
Principal Lien:
Partial Lien:
Internal Lien:
External Lien:
Schema Variances: The interest variances applicable on a Term Deposit schema.
Net Effective Date: The date from which the net rate is effective. The net effective date is defined at the product level.
Interest Withheld (保留,扣留): The total interest amount withheld or not paid out to the customer til date.
Tax Withheld 1 (Total): The total tax 1 deducted from interest against the TD recovered from the customer. This tax is accrued but not remitted to the government. The tax 1 is deducted on the basis of Tax Deduction at source flag defined at the product level and the Tax code attached to the account at the time of account opening.
Balance Uncollected Interest: The interest, which have not been collected by the customer even though payout modes have been specified for them. Interest amounts, which have payout instructions specified as cash, DD or BC, should be personally collected by the customer. However, in case of there interest amounts have not been collected, they are displayed as Balance Uncollected Interests.
Deposit Variance: The interest variance defined for a particular TD opened under a TD account. If payout proceeds are reinvested, the interest variance for the new deposit initiated is displayed.
Balance Uncollected Principal: The matured deposit amount, which has not been collected by the customer even though a redemption or payout instruction has been specified for it. Amounts, which have payout instructions specified as cash, DD or BC, are to be personally collected by the customer. If not collected, these proceeds are displayed in the Balance Uncollected Principal fields.
Unclaimed Interest: The interest, which is due, but not collected by the customer after the grace period is over. Unclaimed interest gets transferred to the unclaimed GL after the specified grace period.
Outstanding Principal: The principal balances of the matured term deposits, which have not been redeemed.
Balance Principal Due: The principal balance from the previous premature redemption deposit amount for which no redemption/payout instructions have been specified as a result of which the amount has not been paid out.
Unclaimed Principal: The principal amount, which is due, but not collected by the customer after the grace period is over. The unclaimed principal get transferred to the unclaimed GL after the specified grace period. This amount can be redeemed.
Next Payout Date: The date on which the subsequent interest is due to be paid.
Compounding: The interest, which is accrued not only on the original principal but also on the accumulated interest of prior periods over a specified duration.
For TD: Compounding is done over a time interval. If this interval or compounding frequency is specified as quarterly then the accumulated interest will be added to the principal every three months.
For Loans: interest is debited to the interest base. The system maintains an interest calculation base as separate from the principal. On compounding, the interest base is calculated by the interest arrears.
Next Compounding Date: The date on which the accrued interest is added to the principal.
Deposit Date: The date on which the Term deposit has been initiated. The investment calculations for the deposit will be effective from the specified date, if the interest date is also the same.
Interest Start Date: The date from which the interest calculations will start for a Term deposit. For payin by cheque, DD or BC,the interest start date is, by default the value date of the instrument. The user can specify any date, on or after the value date of the deposit, and on or before the maturity date of the deposit.
Maturity Instruction: maturity instruction denotes the instructions set for the payout of the proceeds of a matured deposit. A deposit matures after it remains in the bank for the defined period of time. There are three maturity options in FCR: No instructions, Redeem, Reinvest.
No instruction: The amount gets transferred to the matured deposits GL and the amount would earn post-maturity interest for the grace days. Beyond grace days, no PMI interest will be applicable.
Redeem: The amount gets transferred to the payable GL and this amount would not earn post-maturity interest.
Reinvest: The amount gets added to the existing account with the auto renewal term.
Pro-rata Interest Paid deducted: The interest that has already been paid or compounded against the deposit amount, which is being redeemed.
Account Write-off : refers to the de-recognition of the value of an account; specially in the context of loan accounts that have gone into the suspended state. Write-off refers to recognition of the reduced value of an asset or , a reduction in recognized value. Writing-off a bad debt that is declared noncollectable ( such as a loan on a defunct business or a credit card due that is now in default), signifies removing it from their balance sheets. An account can be wrote-off partially or fully. The sum of all the arrears, principal and accrued interest being written off is referred to as Total Writeoff. Tables include: IN_ACCT_WRITEOFF, AC_WRITEOFF_PARAM
Sweep-in: A functionality in which funds are pulled in to a customer's CASA account from a specified account that may be a CASA, or a TD account. Concepts of Sweep-in account and Sweep-in provider account. Tables include: CH_SWEEPIN
Class: Group of users created in the System for purpose of restricted and categorized access and authorization. Any valid user of the system must be linked to a class. A user can be linked to a multiple classes too. Tables include: SM_CLASS_PROFILE, SM_USR_CLASS_X_REF...
Security Manager: Security Managers are those category of users who have management level access rights.
Profile start date and Profile end date: the date from which the user profile becomes active and the date after which the profile will seize to be active. Related tables include: SM_USER_PROFILE
Kernel: the original version of FC that is sold to a customer and from which future versions are derived following further customizations.
Vocation Start date and end date: refers to the user's vocation period or the period he/she is on leave. The user access for this ID will be disabled during this period. After the end of the vocation period the User's access is enabled.
Transaction Limit: The maximum amount of transaction that can be done by a user who is linked to a particular template; if the transaction amount exceeds this limit, higher-level supervisory authorization will be required to complete the transaction.
Safe Box ID: The unique identification number assigned to a safe deposit Box.
Allotment Number: The account number assigned to the customer for the type of safe box allotted to him/her. CH_SB_ACCT_ID_XREF, CH_SB_CUST_WAITLIST.
Penalty Arrears: The total calculated penalty arrears charged to the account. Penalty interest is also called interest on arrears (IOA) and is levied on installment repayments which are made after the grace period which is defined at the product level.
Allocation Fee: the fee charged for the allotment of a safe deposit box (SDB) to a customer. Allocation fee is also referred to as Allocation Charge.
Plan Code: a number entered into the FC system to identify a loan document plan. The plan code is numeric and can be up to three digits long. because a document plan is a collection of individual loan documents represented by a plan serial number, the plan code refers to a collection of plan serial numbers. Plan code is also referred to as Document Plan Code. Tables related: LN_DOC_PLAN, LN_LAPS_ACCT_DOC, LN_ACCT_DOC, LN_DOC_PLAN_XREF.
Plan serial number: a number entered into the FC system to identify an individual loan document included under a specific document plan. For a particular loan document plan, the plan serial number is unique and helps identify the loan documents included in the document plan. Related tables: LN_DOC_PLAN, LN_LAPS_ACCT_DOC, LN_ACCT_DOC.
Usage Events: the various events, which a safe deposit box undergoes during its life cycle. Various usage events can be listed here:
1. Access
2. Drill
3. Key Lost
4. Restrict
5. Revoke
related table: CH_SB_USER_ACTIVITY_LOG.
Safe Deposit Box: A locker type of facility extended by the bank to its customers, enabling the customers to store their valuables, documents and other important items in the bank's care. Related tables: CH_SB_ACCT_ID_XREF, CH_SB_CUST_WAITLIST, CH_SB_USER_ACTIVITY_LOG, CH_SB_PROD_XREF.
Safe Box Deposit Amount: The amount, which the customer will pay the bank for availing the safe deposit box facility.
Original Deposit Number: The source, or the parent term deposit number from which a new term deposit has been created. The original deposit number is created due to interest payout, or due to renewal. It will have a new deposit running number, but will retain the original deposit number of the source deposit. This number helps to find out the history of a particular TD.
Deposit Number: a number generated by FC, which represents the number of term deposits opened under an account.
Rate Interest: the rate usually expressed as percentage per annum charged on money borrowed or lent. Tables related: TD_PROD_MAST, BA_INT_INDX_MAST, BA_INT_INDX_RATE...
Schema Rate: The interest rate applicable on a TD schema, in case there is any on the respective TD product under which the account is opened.
Customer Waitlist: the list of prospective customers who have requested for using a safe deposit box.
Drill: The act of forcibly opening a safe deposit box by drilling it, in the event of the customer not paying up the rent/dues for using it. Once the SDB is driller, the inventory of contents of the box are recorded and the associated with the customer and the box. Related tables include: CH_SB_USER_ACTIVITY_LOG...
Number of Advance Rents: The number of rents that the customer will be paying in advance for using a safe deposit box. By default, the system displays the value as 0. However, the User can enter values up to 9.
Custodian: The teller who will operate the safe deposit box on behalf of the bank and who will also be the bank witness in case the safe deposit box is drilled open.
Dimensions: The length, breadth and height of a safe deposit box; also includes the unit of measurement used. Tables included: CH_SB_PROD_XREF
Stock code: a unique code manually generated by FC and assigned to an inventory item to help identify it. The stock code is a unique combination of the inventory type, currency code and issuer code. Stock code helps the bank in tracking its inventory items such as SDB, cheque books, demand drafts and so on. Tables include: LV_STOCK_MAST.
Drill Days: The number of days given to a customer to pay up the dues towards his/her safe deposit box rental, after which the bank has the right to drill the box open.
Late Payment Notice Days: the number of days after which the system will be generating notices for payment due from the safe deposit box owner.
Key Lost: refers to the event of the customer losing the key to the safe deposit box he/she has been rented out by the bank. Key lost is a usage event wherein the customer will report the loss of the key to the SDB. There will also be service charge attached, which would be an event based SC and online in nature.
Agreement Expiry Advice Lead Day: the number of days prior to the expiry of the agreement for use of a safe deposit box when a notice/advice is to be sent to the customer intimating him/her of the approaching expiry date.
Fixed Penalty: The penalty amount that the customer is charged for non-payment of rental dues for a safe deposit box.
Percentage Penalty: The penalty amount that the customer is charged for non-payment of rental dues for a safe deposit box, expressed as a percentage.
Bill of Exchange: an unconditional order in writing, addressed by the Drawer to the Drawee, asking the Drawee to pay a sum of money on demand or at a specified future date to the payee or the bearer.
Repayment mode: the way in which the customer pays back the loan amount availed, as specified in the standing instruction given by him/her. Two options: 1. Transfer from customer's CASA account;
2. Transfer from customer's salary account during salary upload
Drawee(支票的付款人,受票人): the party to whom the bill of exchange is addressed. The party to whom the Bill of Exchange is addressed. Once the drawee accepts the bill, by writing on it and signing on it, he/she becomes the acceptor and is primarily liable to pay out when the bill matures. Tables include: BI_BILL_DETAILS, BI_BILL_STAT_XREF, BI_INSTR_XREF.
Drawer (开票人): the person who signs a cheque or a bill of exchange as the issuer ordering his/her Bank to pay out. A drawer issues the bill, or makes the order for the bill to be accepted and paid. In the event of default by the acceptor, the drawer is obliged to pay out the face value of the bill on its due date to the holder.
Acceptor(承兑人): The party to whom the bill of Exchange is addressed and who accepts a bill of exchange drawn on him/her.
Endorser(背书人,背签人,转让人): The party signing on the reverse side of the bill, which servers as confirmation of purchase and title to the bill. The list of endorsers' signatures on the back of the bill establishes the chain of ownership of the bill.
Payee(领款人,取款人): The person to whom the face value of a Bill of Exchange is to be paid. The payee appears as the first endorser on the reverse of the Bill and this endorsement starts the chain of ownership of the Bill.
Working Capitals: The money that the business deals in, for its day-to-day work/operations. Working capital is an excess of the person or company's current assets over current liabilities. This amount is calculated in the local currency of the bank. The working capital is used to calculate the overdraft limit for a payee, who is pledging the bills against the given Drawee.
Savings Account: An unfixed deposit account into which money can be deposited, and from which it can be withdrawn anytime. A savings account carries a rate of interest for the amount deposited in it, and allows withdrawal of money by cheque or a withdrawal slip.
Flexcube offers the following modules:
1. Loan (LN)
2. Term Deposit (TD)
3. Current & Savings Account (CASA)
4. Customer Information File (CIF)
5. Clearing & Settlements (CLING)
6. General Ledger (GL)
7. Payments
8. Origination System (ORS)
9. Asset Classification (AC)
10. Collections
11. Security Management System (SMS)
12. Service Charge (SC)
13. Relationship Pricing (RP)
14. Branch Operations (Brop)
15. Back Office
16. File Upload
17. Bills
18. Card Management System (CMS)
19. Saft Deposit Box (SDB)
20. System Operations
Some of these modules are referred to as Core Modules because they either process accounts, or are essential for the system and the bank to work at a basic level such as Loan, TD and CASA.

CORE: Centralized Online Real-time Exchange
Redemption: 赎回
Redemption on Maturity: 到期赎回
Recurring Deposit Redemption (RD): 零存整取
Cash Deposit:现金存款
Balance Inquiry: 余额查询
Amount based Account Image Display:基于金额的账户影像显示
CRB Details Maintance: 监管报告(CBR)信息维护
Customer: 客户
Account: 账户
Signature Type: 印签类型
Local Currencey: 银行本币
System date: 系统时间 (分行入账日期)
Transaction processing: 交易处理
Account Transaction: 账户交易
Loan Account Transaction: 贷款账户交易
Rate Change: 贷款利率变更
Bank Code : 银行代码. elements of a bank code is not clear for me. what about other bank’s code?
Maintance Status Code: 维护状态标记. Authorized, Null, Deffered and etc is an element of the Status Type
Authorize: 授权. Paraller Authorize. Local Authorize,Remote Authorize, Centralized Authorize, Deffered Authorize(延迟授权)
Cut-off: 日切
EOD: End of Day
BOD: Beginning of Day
Hold: 冻结.
Hold Number: a number generated by flexcube to identify a particular Hold marked on an account; multiple holds can be marked on an account. Hold number is generated every time a hold is marked on an account. Hold Number is stored in table CH_HOLD_FUNDS, as the column COD_HOLD_NO. Hold numbers will be unique for a single account but will not be unique for multiple accounts.
Lien: 留置权;抵押品所产生的利息. (don't know it in an exact way).
Inoperative account: An account in which no operations or transactions have taken place over a period of time. An account that has been inoperative for a period of time is declared as s dormant account after the inoperative period is over. but there are no accounts with status inoperative in OFCR.
The table ba_acct_status stores all the available account status in the FCR, although some of the status like 'inoperative' are not available anymore.
There are blocked accounts, dormant accounts, restricted accounts and lots of others.
Dormancy period: 账户休眠期, Typically 6 months.
Instruction Number: a number generated by FC to identify a particular Standing Instruction maintained for a CASA account. unique for a single account but not unique across multiple accounts. Table CH_SI_TABLE stores the information as column CTR_SI_INST_NO for a CASA account.
Standing Instruction: 长期指令. There is a standing Order in wiki, sounds the same thing. an instruction a bank account holder gives to his bank to pay a set amount at regular intervals to another accounts.
Loan Disbursement: Loan host disbursement/ Loan branch disbursement. The process of paying out the sanctioned loan amount to the customer. First Host disbursement, then branch disbursement in the same day, otherwise, the host disbursement has to be reversed. If reversal of host disbursement can not be done manually, the system does it automatically at the end of the day.
Loan Schedule Simulation: refers to the simulation of a loan account schedule generation if the disbursement date, loan term, amount and rates are provided as inputs to the system. Loan Funds Flow Calculator..
Notice Deposit: Call Deposit. A type of time deposit, which doesn't have a maturity date and can be redeemed or withdrawn whenever the customer asks for it with a prior notice to the bank. The fewer days prior the day he/she actually redeem the deposit, these days are referenced as the Lead Days for Notice.
Demand Deposit: the customer can redeem the deposit anytime, on demand and without notice.
Call deposit is an example of is an example of Notice Deposit, while Flexible TD is an example of Demand Deposit. Related tables include: TD_ACCT_MASTER.
Out_of_Order Accounts: An account for which either the outstanding balance is in excess of the sanctioned TOD/Overline or , no credits have been made for the last three months. If an account is out-of-order for a period of more than 90 days in case of overdraft/credit cash, the account is treated as an NPA account. An account for which the credits made are not sufficient to cover the interest debited during the last three months is also considered an out-of-order account.
Passbook format: the structure of the savings passbook page in the form of the number of rows and the number of transactions it will accommodate. Passbook format is stored in .xsl file. Format is selected at the product level. For CASA products only. The passbook format is stored in the table: BA_REC_DOC_PSBK.
Payment Appropriation(拨款,挪用) Simulation: refers to the simulation of the status of arrears(欠款,逾期贷款) in a loan account,when a customer has made some payment towards the arrears.
Reminder Plan: A plan defined in the system comprising a series of advices/notices according to which reminders are sent to defaulting customers to payup the installment amount due towards a loan outstanding or arrears. the plans are stored in BA_REMINDER_PLAN.
Streaming in EOD batch: the process of running multiple instances of a processing function simultaneously.
Collateral ID: a unique number entered into the FLEXCUBE system by the user to identify a specific collateral. If the collateral is a TD, the collateral ID is the TD account number. Table related LN_COLL_INSURANCE.
Collateral: 并行的/旁系的/抵押品/担保品. A value pledged(抵押品) by a loan borrower to the bank for repayment of the loan in case it cannot be repaid through the normal repayment procedure. Flexcube accepts the following collateral categories: property, automobile, term deposit, financial securities, insurance, bill, non-standard collaterals.
Face Value: the value of the loan. The total amount sanctioned for the loan.
Advance: Any payment made by the customer toward a loan repayment before the due date.
Customer: The person/party who holds an account with the bank and avails of its service. The person/party who has a customer Id in FLEXCUBE. CI_CUSTMAST maybe the table.
Service Charge: Service Charge is related to the following table: BA_SC_CODE, SC_PKG_MAST, SC_PKG_ACCT, SC_ACCT_PKG, SC_DUE_FOR_CYCLE, SC_TXNS_DLTS, SC_TXNS_SUMMARY.
Accrual: the process of accruing or accumulating interest for a bank account before crediting or debiting it to the account. In the context of interests, and refers to the interests that have been accrued in the general ledger for an account but not actually been credited or debited to the account. Accrual is the recognition of income. In loans, the recognition of interest is done at frequent intervals. This is specified at the product level as column 'FRQ_INT_ACCR' in the table 'LN_PROD_MAST'. Tables related to the accrual includes LN_ACCT_INT_BALANCE_DTLS, LN_INT_RULES, LN_PROD_INT_ATTR
Posting date: the date on which a transaction is posted/recorded in the Flexcube system.
There are Transaction Date, Value Date, Activation Date, Dispatch Date in Flexcube system, lots of different dates.
Batch number: a unique number generated by the flexcube system and assigned to a set of transactions (called a batch) in flexcube for the purpose of identification. The tables include 'BA_BATCH_MAST', 'LN_BATCH_CTRL','LN_EOD_RESTART'. System Generated Transactions and User Generated Transaction have different schema in the batch number. System generated Transactions have batch numbers generated in the host database, while user generated transactions have batch numbers generated in the branch database
Customer Id: a serially generated integer number. Maximum limitation of this number is 9999999999. The code of generating the ID is written in C.
Branch: a subdivision of a bank established at a location other than the location where the bank itself is situated, in order to cater to the clients in that location.
Interest base: the sum on which interest is calculated. Interest base increases when compounding of interest takes place. The related tables include 'LN_INT_BASE_HIST'.
Account Number: A unique number generated by the FLEXCUBE system or entered by the user and assigned to a customer's account for the purpose of identification. The account number is used to identify the account of a customer in all transactions made by the customer. Account number is a numeric value. 10 digits to 16 digits. BA_PROD_ACCT_INFO table stores configure info of the bank's account number. Account Number can be generated by the FC system or entered by the user ( for example, for a legacy system migration). Account generation mask can be configure separately for TD, LN and CASA accounts. The SQL is as below:
Lucky Account Numbers: reserved only for CASA accounts. These numbers are maintained in a list and are allocated as per availability. CH_RESERVED_ACCT_MAST stores those Lucky account numbers.
Catch-up accrual (利息,收益):interest accrual that has been done in between an accrual cycle due to some charging event on the account. Catch-up Accrual is done when a charging occurs. 不是很明白这个catch-up accrual的意思和商业价值.
Account: An account is the basis of the relationship between a bank and its customer and the account statement gives details of all the credit/debit transactions that have taken place in the account. Accounts that are opened for a customer are stored in the table 'CS_HO_CUSTACCTXREF'
In Flexcube, accounts are always created under a specific product and are assigned an account branch. Accounts' information are stored in different tables depending on the module.
1. CASA accounts: CH_ACCT_MAST
2. TD accounts: TD_ACCT_MAST
3. LN accounts: LN_ACCT_DTLS
General Ledger: general ledger is an internal account maintained by the bank where it records the financial transactions done by the bank. FC allows multi-currency and multi-branch posting to a GL. Ledger account means Branch+Currency+GL Code combination. Tables related: GLTM_GLMASTER, GL_TABLE, GL_MASTER
Fast Path: task code. Flexcube's definition.
Account status: the current position or status of a customer's account. Available statuses for LOAN and TD accounts are different from those for CASA accounts. Tables: LN_ACCT_DTLS, LN_ACCT_STAT_HIST, BA_ACCT_STATUS
Interest: a sum charged for borrowed money or a sum paid for use of money. Usually expressed as percentage of the amount borrowed or paid over a period of time (which is usually one year). Accrual of interest results in a credit entry in an interest income GL account. Related table: LN_INT_RULES, LN_INT_TXNLOG, LN_INT_COMP_TXN, BA_PROD_PRODTYPE_XREF
Accrual basis: the rule that determines how interest accrues over a period for an account.
Arrears: a due raised to the customer. The customer borrows money from the Bank. Now, if the customer has not paid back the due money within the due time, the Bank will ask him/her to pay this due periodically by raising arrears. Types of arrears: interest arrears, penalty arrears, principal arrears and so on.
Arrear Type: The kind of arrear. All the available arrear types are stored in the table: LN_ARREARS_TABLE, LN_UNACC_ARREARS_TABLE, LN_ARREAR_TXN_HIST, LN_ACCT_DTLS, LN_ACCT_STAT_HIST
Currency: The unit of measurement of money that the bank running FLEXCUBE choose to perform a monetary transaction in. Currencies can be maintained only at the head office. Attributes needed for a valid currency:
1. currency name
2. currency code
3. currency type
4. currency rate
5. currency denomination (面额)
In flexcube, a currency can be assigned to a product. Once a currency has been assigned to a product, all the accounts opened under that product will have this currency as it account currency by default. Tables include: BA_CCY_RATE, BA_CCY_CODE, CYTM_CCY_DEFN, BA_FW_COD_CCY_XREF, CYTM_RATE_TYPE, CYTM_CCY_PAIR_DEFN, CYTM_CCY_DENO_MASTER
Interest Rate: The percentage of Interest charged/paid for a fixed period of time, usually one year. Three types of interest rates: fixed, floating and fixed amount. In floating rate, there is a ceiling in rate. Tables include LN_ACCT_RATES, LN_RATCHG_REJECTS, LN_RATCHG_ACTIONS, LN_RATCHG_ADVICE_ACTIONS, LN_RATCHG_SCHEDULED.
Drawdown: the withdrawal of funds from a CASA account to pay loan account arrears, as per the instructions specified by the customer who holds the account. A single CASA account can at the same time be a remitter(汇款人) account for multiple loan accounts. The setup instructions are stored in the following table: LN_ACCT_PAYINSTRN (COD_REMITTER_NO).
Transaction: Conduction of a financial business initiated by a customer or the bank and recorded in the customer's account and the bank's general ledger.
Remitter account: An account through which remittance or transfer of funds take place.
Moratorium: 暂停/中止;延期偿付.A stage or period in the loan repayment schedule in which no repayment is done or interest paid; however, interest is accrued during the period. At the end of the period the accrued interest is capitalized and the regular period schedule is drawn up by the flexcube.
Transaction Date: The number that gives the date and the time of the day when a transaction take place in FC. Part of the Transaction Key and indicates time up to the 'second' level only. The date is as per the original channel, which means that mostly it never indicates the time of the data center. Transaction originated from ATM machine, it reflects the time of the city where the ATM is located. The field 'dat_txn' stores the transaction date. Tables include LN_ACCT_LEDG, LN_ARREAR_TXN_HIST.
Transaction Key: a unique combination of numbers that serve to identify various constituents of a transaction that has taken place in FLEXCUBE. Transaction Key helps in identifying the various transactions that were posted for one user transaction. Typically consists of the Branch Number, the User/Teller Number, the Batch Number, the Transaction Reference Number, the STAN Number, the Sub Sequence Number, the transaction Date and User reference Number. Tables include: LN_ACCT_LEDG, XF_OL_ST_TXNLOG_CURRENT, LN_ARREAR_TXN_HIST, BA_CC_BRN_MAST, SM_USER_PROFILE.
Sub sequence number: A unique number generated by FC to identifies the various legs of a transaction distinctly. The field name is 'ref_subseq_no'. Most transactions have two legs (one for debit, one for credit), sometimes more than two.Flexcube generates one unique number to identify both these legs, and this number is the Sub-Sequence Number. Tables include: LN_ACCT_LEDG, LN_DAILY_TXN_LOG_HIST, LN_ARREAR_TXN_HIST.....
STAN Number: An acronym obtained from System Trace Audit Number. This is a unique number generated serially by Flexcube, everytime a transaction is performed in a day. Starts from 1 every business day for every user. The value is stored in a table as the field -'ref_sys_tr_aud_no'. For system-generated transactions, the STAN number is generated per program, while for user-generated transaction, the STAN number is generated per user.
User reference number: The number of the voucher entered into the flexcube system. it's alphanumeric and can be up to '40 digit' long.
User number: a unique number generated by FC to identify a particular user. User number is also referred to as the Teller Number. This number is used to identify the user or the bank teller who initiated a particular transaction or was involved in the particular transaction. Field name stores this database is 'COD_USERNO'. The maximum limit for a user number in FLEXCUBE is 32767. The rules generates a User number/Teller Id.
Product: The commodity sold by a Bank to its customer. A retail bank, typically sells three major types of products to its customers----Loan products, Term Deposit (TD) products, and Current & Savings Account (CASA). Under these three types, the bank defines one or more products. Account in flexcube is opened under a product. Tables include: LN_PROD_INT_ATTR, LN_PROD_MAST, LN_PROD_PROMO_INT_RATES, LN_PROD_RATES, LN_PROD_RATES_180608, LN_PROD_RATES_BKP, LN_PROD_REPRICING_REVISION, LN_PROD_SCHTYPE_XREF
Transaction Reference Number: A unique number generated by Flexcube that identifies all the sub-transactions or internal transactions that together form a single complex transaction.
Transaction mnemonic: a unique number assigned by the Flexcube System to a particular type or category of transaction that it handlers, for the purpose of internal identification. Field name is 'COD_TXN_MNEMONIC'.
Account branch: The branch of the bank where an account is opened and to which it belongs. Account branch is also called as the Home branch. Every branch is identified a unique code called the branch code. Account branch is of high significance for the bank. The account bank's balance sheet, service charge, profit and loss are all recorded. Account and its branch is stored in the table: CS_HO_CUSTACCTXREF. SELECT COD_ACCT_NO, COD_CC_BRN FROM CS_HO_CUSTACCTXREF
Since customers can be relocated, account branch can be changed and it's called to branch transfer. BA_CC_BRN_MAST_NLS...
Customer IC (Identification Criteria): a unique number entered in Flexcube by the user during the process of adding a new customer, social security number, passport number, birth certificate number or corporate register number or others are OK.
IBAN: International Bank Account Number, a unique number generated by FLEXCUBE to make the flexcube account identifiable across the world.
BBAN: Basic Bank Account Number, it is a unique number that identifies a local Bank account in a country. BBAN is a constituent of IBAN.
Transaction Branch: The branch of the bank in which a transaction is performed. The Transaction branch number is also referred to as the Originating Branch code/number. The field name in the database is 'COD_CC_BRN_TXN'
Account currency: the currency in which all the bank account entries are posted.
MCA: multi-currency account. one account can hold multiple currencies. Multiple accounts are opened for the customer, one per currency. For customer's convenience, he/she is given a single account number and performs transactions against a single account. Flexcube automatically transfer funds to the correct accounts, thereby avoid the currency exchange risk. Find currencies for an account:
Product Code: The unique number entered into the system to identify a specific product. The maximum allowable value of the product code is '999'. The number ranges available to CASA/TD/LOAN are defined in the table BA_PROD_ACCT_INFO. The field name to store the Product Code is 'COD_PROD'.
Branch Number: The unique number entered into system to identify a specific branch of a bank. Minimum number is 1 and the maximum number is 9999. In some banks, specific number, typically 333 was kept reserved to identify a non-CBS(non core banking system) branch. Branch number is also referred to as Branch Code. This number helped identify the exact branch from where the transaction originated. This number also was referred to as the Originating Branch Number. The field name of this number is 'COD_CC_BRN'.
Captitalization: Conversion of arrear into capital by adding up the arrear amount to the principal amount such that it is removed from the IOA base and made a part of the principal.
Collateral (抵押) Code: a unique number entered into the Flexcube system by the user to identify a particular type of collateral to be attached to a loan. The collateral and the loan account to which the collateral is attached should have the same currency. The table related is : LN_COLL_INSURANCE
Collateral Value: The monetary value of the collateral to be attached to the loan account.
Sweep-out: A functionality in OFCR by which excess balance or fund in a customer's CASA account is transferred to another account that maybe a CASA, TD or even a non-FC account. The account from which funds are being swept out is referred to as the Provider Account and the Account into which funds are being swept in is referred to as the Beneficiary Account.
Three types of sweep-outs by types of accounts involved in the funds transfer:
1. Sweep-out from CASA to CASA
2. Sweep-out from CASA to TD
3. Sweep-out from CASA to non-FLEXCUBE account.
Two types of Sweep-out categories:
1. Normal Sweep-out: funds are swept out from the Provider Account to the Beneficiary Account
2. Reverse Sweep-out: funds are swept out from the Beneficiary Account back to the Provider Account.
The Sweep-out of funds takes place typically at the end of the business day during the EOD batch process.
Term Deposit: An amount deposited by a customer with the bank for a fixed term or period, that cannot be withdrawn until the term or period is over, and for which the bank pays interest to the customer. Tables include: TD_DEP_MAST, TD_DEPOSIT_DETAILS, TD_ACCT_MAST.
Simple Interest: interest computed only on the principal balance, without compounding. Tables include: TD_DEP_MAST, TD_ACCT_MAST...
Taxable Customer Id: The customer ID of the customer for whom tax is applicable, on opening a Term deposit account for him/her. Tables: TD_AUDIT_TRAIL, TS_TDS_LOG, TS_INCOMETAX_LOG, TD_ACCT_MAST....
Tax Code: a unique number that represents the tax deducted at source (TDS)..
Blocked Account: A TD account for which the interest is accrued on the deposits but is not paid to the customer or compounded to the principal.
Tax Exemption Limit: an income limit specified by the land's government, up to which tax is not applicable or is exempted.
Restricted Account: The accounts of a particular customer wherein only authorized officers can inquire and post transactions into. Unauthorized Tellers will not be able to transact on the account.
Employee Account: The account belonging to the staff of the bank. FLG_EMP_ACCT in the table TD_ACCT_MAST
Renewal Number: the number of term deposits created out of the source term deposit either due to renewals or the payouts.
Principal Balance: The original or base amount invested in a Term Deposit, which is exclusive of earnings. The TD account principal balance is the sum total of the principal balance of all the term deposits held under the TD accounts.
Maturity Date: The data on which the term deposit matures or becomes due and payable. This Date is arrived at by adding the deposit term to the interest start Date of the TD. Sometimes a little trick to calculate the Maturity Date.
Payout Frequency: The time interval at which the interest earned on a Term Deposit is paid out.
Compounding Frequency: a specified time interval at the end of which the interest earned on the term deposit will be compounded to the principal.
Term: The period of the Term Deposit.
Interest Index Code: A unique code manually generated by the system to identify an interest rate defined by the bank for a particular product. The rate of the product is not stored in the table, instead the index code is stored. Maximum 999 index codes can be defined.
Product Variance: The interest variance defined under product-rate maintenance for the slab in which TD principal balance and term fits in.
Annual Equivalent Rate (AER): The annualized rate or return, which the Bank pays to the customer. The calculation of the AER depends on the number of compounding cycles and also the rate of the deposit. AER is calculated at the time of account opening. AER is calculated at the time of account opening. AER is re-calculated whenever there is a change in the interest rate for the deposits.
Discounted Amount: The discounted term deposit amount. For discounted deposits, the customer allows the deposits to receive a pre-defined maturity amount. For example, a customer wants to earn a maturity amount of 10,000. The bank will consider the interest adjustments and calculate the initial payment amount, the customer needs to make. In this case, the maturity amount and the interest are fixed.
Net Rate (Net Effective Rate): The actual rate at which interest is paid for the deposit.
Net Rate = Interest Rate (at deposit level) + Interest Variance + Product Variance. The net rate should be within the minimum and the maximum interest rate specified at the product level.
Lien Amount: The amount in a term deposit on which lien has been marked. The deposit will remain blocked upto the extent of the lien marked. A lien marked on a Term deposit automatically puts a partial lien on the account to which the deposit belongs. Tables related: TD_LIEN_MAST.
Principal Lien:
Partial Lien:
Internal Lien:
External Lien:
Schema Variances: The interest variances applicable on a Term Deposit schema.
Net Effective Date: The date from which the net rate is effective. The net effective date is defined at the product level.
Interest Withheld (保留,扣留): The total interest amount withheld or not paid out to the customer til date.
Tax Withheld 1 (Total): The total tax 1 deducted from interest against the TD recovered from the customer. This tax is accrued but not remitted to the government. The tax 1 is deducted on the basis of Tax Deduction at source flag defined at the product level and the Tax code attached to the account at the time of account opening.
Balance Uncollected Interest: The interest, which have not been collected by the customer even though payout modes have been specified for them. Interest amounts, which have payout instructions specified as cash, DD or BC, should be personally collected by the customer. However, in case of there interest amounts have not been collected, they are displayed as Balance Uncollected Interests.
Deposit Variance: The interest variance defined for a particular TD opened under a TD account. If payout proceeds are reinvested, the interest variance for the new deposit initiated is displayed.
Balance Uncollected Principal: The matured deposit amount, which has not been collected by the customer even though a redemption or payout instruction has been specified for it. Amounts, which have payout instructions specified as cash, DD or BC, are to be personally collected by the customer. If not collected, these proceeds are displayed in the Balance Uncollected Principal fields.
Unclaimed Interest: The interest, which is due, but not collected by the customer after the grace period is over. Unclaimed interest gets transferred to the unclaimed GL after the specified grace period.
Outstanding Principal: The principal balances of the matured term deposits, which have not been redeemed.
Balance Principal Due: The principal balance from the previous premature redemption deposit amount for which no redemption/payout instructions have been specified as a result of which the amount has not been paid out.
Unclaimed Principal: The principal amount, which is due, but not collected by the customer after the grace period is over. The unclaimed principal get transferred to the unclaimed GL after the specified grace period. This amount can be redeemed.
Next Payout Date: The date on which the subsequent interest is due to be paid.
Compounding: The interest, which is accrued not only on the original principal but also on the accumulated interest of prior periods over a specified duration.
For TD: Compounding is done over a time interval. If this interval or compounding frequency is specified as quarterly then the accumulated interest will be added to the principal every three months.
For Loans: interest is debited to the interest base. The system maintains an interest calculation base as separate from the principal. On compounding, the interest base is calculated by the interest arrears.
Next Compounding Date: The date on which the accrued interest is added to the principal.
Deposit Date: The date on which the Term deposit has been initiated. The investment calculations for the deposit will be effective from the specified date, if the interest date is also the same.
Interest Start Date: The date from which the interest calculations will start for a Term deposit. For payin by cheque, DD or BC,the interest start date is, by default the value date of the instrument. The user can specify any date, on or after the value date of the deposit, and on or before the maturity date of the deposit.
Maturity Instruction: maturity instruction denotes the instructions set for the payout of the proceeds of a matured deposit. A deposit matures after it remains in the bank for the defined period of time. There are three maturity options in FCR: No instructions, Redeem, Reinvest.
No instruction: The amount gets transferred to the matured deposits GL and the amount would earn post-maturity interest for the grace days. Beyond grace days, no PMI interest will be applicable.
Redeem: The amount gets transferred to the payable GL and this amount would not earn post-maturity interest.
Reinvest: The amount gets added to the existing account with the auto renewal term.
Pro-rata Interest Paid deducted: The interest that has already been paid or compounded against the deposit amount, which is being redeemed.
Account Write-off : refers to the de-recognition of the value of an account; specially in the context of loan accounts that have gone into the suspended state. Write-off refers to recognition of the reduced value of an asset or , a reduction in recognized value. Writing-off a bad debt that is declared noncollectable ( such as a loan on a defunct business or a credit card due that is now in default), signifies removing it from their balance sheets. An account can be wrote-off partially or fully. The sum of all the arrears, principal and accrued interest being written off is referred to as Total Writeoff. Tables include: IN_ACCT_WRITEOFF, AC_WRITEOFF_PARAM
Sweep-in: A functionality in which funds are pulled in to a customer's CASA account from a specified account that may be a CASA, or a TD account. Concepts of Sweep-in account and Sweep-in provider account. Tables include: CH_SWEEPIN
Class: Group of users created in the System for purpose of restricted and categorized access and authorization. Any valid user of the system must be linked to a class. A user can be linked to a multiple classes too. Tables include: SM_CLASS_PROFILE, SM_USR_CLASS_X_REF...
Security Manager: Security Managers are those category of users who have management level access rights.
Profile start date and Profile end date: the date from which the user profile becomes active and the date after which the profile will seize to be active. Related tables include: SM_USER_PROFILE
Kernel: the original version of FC that is sold to a customer and from which future versions are derived following further customizations.
Vocation Start date and end date: refers to the user's vocation period or the period he/she is on leave. The user access for this ID will be disabled during this period. After the end of the vocation period the User's access is enabled.
Transaction Limit: The maximum amount of transaction that can be done by a user who is linked to a particular template; if the transaction amount exceeds this limit, higher-level supervisory authorization will be required to complete the transaction.
Safe Box ID: The unique identification number assigned to a safe deposit Box.
Allotment Number: The account number assigned to the customer for the type of safe box allotted to him/her. CH_SB_ACCT_ID_XREF, CH_SB_CUST_WAITLIST.
Penalty Arrears: The total calculated penalty arrears charged to the account. Penalty interest is also called interest on arrears (IOA) and is levied on installment repayments which are made after the grace period which is defined at the product level.
Allocation Fee: the fee charged for the allotment of a safe deposit box (SDB) to a customer. Allocation fee is also referred to as Allocation Charge.
Plan Code: a number entered into the FC system to identify a loan document plan. The plan code is numeric and can be up to three digits long. because a document plan is a collection of individual loan documents represented by a plan serial number, the plan code refers to a collection of plan serial numbers. Plan code is also referred to as Document Plan Code. Tables related: LN_DOC_PLAN, LN_LAPS_ACCT_DOC, LN_ACCT_DOC, LN_DOC_PLAN_XREF.
Plan serial number: a number entered into the FC system to identify an individual loan document included under a specific document plan. For a particular loan document plan, the plan serial number is unique and helps identify the loan documents included in the document plan. Related tables: LN_DOC_PLAN, LN_LAPS_ACCT_DOC, LN_ACCT_DOC.
Usage Events: the various events, which a safe deposit box undergoes during its life cycle. Various usage events can be listed here:
1. Access
2. Drill
3. Key Lost
4. Restrict
5. Revoke
related table: CH_SB_USER_ACTIVITY_LOG.
Safe Deposit Box: A locker type of facility extended by the bank to its customers, enabling the customers to store their valuables, documents and other important items in the bank's care. Related tables: CH_SB_ACCT_ID_XREF, CH_SB_CUST_WAITLIST, CH_SB_USER_ACTIVITY_LOG, CH_SB_PROD_XREF.
Safe Box Deposit Amount: The amount, which the customer will pay the bank for availing the safe deposit box facility.
Original Deposit Number: The source, or the parent term deposit number from which a new term deposit has been created. The original deposit number is created due to interest payout, or due to renewal. It will have a new deposit running number, but will retain the original deposit number of the source deposit. This number helps to find out the history of a particular TD.
Deposit Number: a number generated by FC, which represents the number of term deposits opened under an account.
Rate Interest: the rate usually expressed as percentage per annum charged on money borrowed or lent. Tables related: TD_PROD_MAST, BA_INT_INDX_MAST, BA_INT_INDX_RATE...
Schema Rate: The interest rate applicable on a TD schema, in case there is any on the respective TD product under which the account is opened.
Customer Waitlist: the list of prospective customers who have requested for using a safe deposit box.
Drill: The act of forcibly opening a safe deposit box by drilling it, in the event of the customer not paying up the rent/dues for using it. Once the SDB is driller, the inventory of contents of the box are recorded and the associated with the customer and the box. Related tables include: CH_SB_USER_ACTIVITY_LOG...
Number of Advance Rents: The number of rents that the customer will be paying in advance for using a safe deposit box. By default, the system displays the value as 0. However, the User can enter values up to 9.
Custodian: The teller who will operate the safe deposit box on behalf of the bank and who will also be the bank witness in case the safe deposit box is drilled open.
Dimensions: The length, breadth and height of a safe deposit box; also includes the unit of measurement used. Tables included: CH_SB_PROD_XREF
Stock code: a unique code manually generated by FC and assigned to an inventory item to help identify it. The stock code is a unique combination of the inventory type, currency code and issuer code. Stock code helps the bank in tracking its inventory items such as SDB, cheque books, demand drafts and so on. Tables include: LV_STOCK_MAST.
Drill Days: The number of days given to a customer to pay up the dues towards his/her safe deposit box rental, after which the bank has the right to drill the box open.
Late Payment Notice Days: the number of days after which the system will be generating notices for payment due from the safe deposit box owner.
Key Lost: refers to the event of the customer losing the key to the safe deposit box he/she has been rented out by the bank. Key lost is a usage event wherein the customer will report the loss of the key to the SDB. There will also be service charge attached, which would be an event based SC and online in nature.
Agreement Expiry Advice Lead Day: the number of days prior to the expiry of the agreement for use of a safe deposit box when a notice/advice is to be sent to the customer intimating him/her of the approaching expiry date.
Fixed Penalty: The penalty amount that the customer is charged for non-payment of rental dues for a safe deposit box.
Percentage Penalty: The penalty amount that the customer is charged for non-payment of rental dues for a safe deposit box, expressed as a percentage.
Bill of Exchange: an unconditional order in writing, addressed by the Drawer to the Drawee, asking the Drawee to pay a sum of money on demand or at a specified future date to the payee or the bearer.
Repayment mode: the way in which the customer pays back the loan amount availed, as specified in the standing instruction given by him/her. Two options: 1. Transfer from customer's CASA account;
2. Transfer from customer's salary account during salary upload
Drawee(支票的付款人,受票人): the party to whom the bill of exchange is addressed. The party to whom the Bill of Exchange is addressed. Once the drawee accepts the bill, by writing on it and signing on it, he/she becomes the acceptor and is primarily liable to pay out when the bill matures. Tables include: BI_BILL_DETAILS, BI_BILL_STAT_XREF, BI_INSTR_XREF.
Drawer (开票人): the person who signs a cheque or a bill of exchange as the issuer ordering his/her Bank to pay out. A drawer issues the bill, or makes the order for the bill to be accepted and paid. In the event of default by the acceptor, the drawer is obliged to pay out the face value of the bill on its due date to the holder.
Acceptor(承兑人): The party to whom the bill of Exchange is addressed and who accepts a bill of exchange drawn on him/her.
Endorser(背书人,背签人,转让人): The party signing on the reverse side of the bill, which servers as confirmation of purchase and title to the bill. The list of endorsers' signatures on the back of the bill establishes the chain of ownership of the bill.
Payee(领款人,取款人): The person to whom the face value of a Bill of Exchange is to be paid. The payee appears as the first endorser on the reverse of the Bill and this endorsement starts the chain of ownership of the Bill.
Working Capitals: The money that the business deals in, for its day-to-day work/operations. Working capital is an excess of the person or company's current assets over current liabilities. This amount is calculated in the local currency of the bank. The working capital is used to calculate the overdraft limit for a payee, who is pledging the bills against the given Drawee.
Savings Account: An unfixed deposit account into which money can be deposited, and from which it can be withdrawn anytime. A savings account carries a rate of interest for the amount deposited in it, and allows withdrawal of money by cheque or a withdrawal slip.
Flexcube offers the following modules:
1. Loan (LN)
2. Term Deposit (TD)
3. Current & Savings Account (CASA)
4. Customer Information File (CIF)
5. Clearing & Settlements (CLING)
6. General Ledger (GL)
7. Payments
8. Origination System (ORS)
9. Asset Classification (AC)
10. Collections
11. Security Management System (SMS)
12. Service Charge (SC)
13. Relationship Pricing (RP)
14. Branch Operations (Brop)
15. Back Office
16. File Upload
17. Bills
18. Card Management System (CMS)
19. Saft Deposit Box (SDB)
20. System Operations
Some of these modules are referred to as Core Modules because they either process accounts, or are essential for the system and the bank to work at a basic level such as Loan, TD and CASA.