
Arrears Appropriation Sequence


The sequence which determines the order in which arrears are to be paid in a loan account.

At the product level, the bank can set the rules for treatment of payment when the amount paid is less than the arrears due. A loan installment may only be partly paid by the customer in which case the system will require to know the o rder in which the existing arrears need to be set off. This order is specified in the arrears appropriation sequence. A separate sequence can be specified for regular loans and for non-performing loans.

The sequence makes use of the following abbreviations:

  • I – Interest Arrears
  • F – Fee Arrears
  • S – Legal Fees Arrears
  • O – Outgoing Arrears
  • D – Suspended Fees
  • E – Suspended legal fees
  • G – Suspended Premium
  • M – Suspended outgoings
  • P – Premium Arrears
  • N – Non Accrual Interest Arrears (Suspended Interest)
  • U – Post Maturity interest Arrears
  • T – Post Maturity – Non Accrual Interest arrears (Suspended PMI)
  • C – Principal Arrears

It may also be possible that within a particular type of arrear, there maybe more than one installment due. In t his case the longest overdue first flag will specify in which order each each arrear will need to be set off within a date. Ticking this flag will indicate that the system will pick up the earliest date for which arrears are due and then set off arrears based on the appropriate sequence.


Appropriation sequence specified as – I F A C S O D G E M P L N U T

(Interest, Fees, Arrears on interest(penalty interest), Capital etc.)

Total arrears due – INR 15,000

Total amount paid on 20th May 2004 – INR 10000

The arrears on account and their appropriation as follows for longest overdue first flag not ticked:

Order the arrears by the sequence specified at the product level.


Due Date Arrear Type Amount Due Order of Set off Amount of Appropriation Cumulative Amount setoff
31-Mar-2004 C - Capital 4000 5 3500 10000
31-Mar-2004 I - Interest 2000 1 2000 2000
30-Apr-2004 A – Arrears on Interest 100 4 1000 6500
30-Apr-2004 C - Capital 4500 None None None (since there is no money for this arrear)
30-Apr-2004 I - Interest 3000 2 3000 5000
15-May-2004 F - Fees 500 3 500 500


The arrears on account and their appropriation as follows if longest overdue first flag is ticked:

Order the arrears based on the due date of the arrear as well as the sequence specified at the product level.

Due Date Arrear Type Amount Due Order of Set off Amount of Appropriation Cumulative Amount setoff
31-Mar-2004 C - Capital 4000 2 4000 6000
31-Mar-2004 I - Interest 2000 1 2000 2000
30-Apr-2004 A – Arrears on Interest 100 5 500 10000
30-Apr-2004 C - Capital 4500 None None None (there is no money for this arrear)
30-Apr-2004 I - Interest 3000 3 3000 9000
15-May-2004 F - Fees 500 4 500 9500